Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



My body as a Temple of God 31

Know you not that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? I Corinthians 3:16

Verse Reflections:  How beautiful is this thought, that we are the temple of God.  Especially when you look at the intimate and detailed instructions that God gave the temple builders in the Old Testament.  Each temple was adorned in gold and ornate jewels to be treasured and revered.  So, we then, must be God’s treasures to be revered.  Do I revere myself?  Probably not.  I have been treasuring my food over my body, my temple. I think it is interesting that the one-time Jesus lost His temper was when His temple was being violated.  Wow!! How many times have I violated my body, my temple through overindulgence?  Does God become angry when I treat my body with disrespect?  I have always thought of my body as my body, not a place in which to entertain God.  I need to think of my body as a Holy place with beautiful, soft music playing and stunning ornate fixtures.  I cannot throw trash inside such a lovely dwelling.  I must carefully consider everything I eat today so that I am honoring God in my choices.  He made so many perfect foods for me to indulge in.  Today I will begin by choosing the foods He has honored me by creating for me.  So begins my journey in God (food) Plus 1. I would love you to join me.

Prayer:  Lord, bless my body, my temple this morning.  Allow me to treat it as the Holy Place that allows Your spirit to dwell inside.  I miss the news this morning but I must say that this beautiful music that I am beginning my day with and the devotional is allowing me to hear Your voice at a different level.  I feel like I am back to being myself.  I have tried to keep myself so busy that I couldn’t hear You.  Running and running and running so that life can’t find me.  Thank You for slowing me down and entering my soul.  I feel a peace and a Holiness that I can’t replicate on my own.  I don’t understand Your power. It confuses me when I try to think of it intellectually, but I feel it.  Oh, I feel it from deep within and I thank You for that.  Father I want to honor You by eating the foods that You have created for me.  Give me the strength to say no to processed foods.  Give me the desire to choose Your foods.  I know how awesome they taste but I need Your power to remind me.  Let’s go into today treating Your temple/my body with reverence.  I love You.  Thanks for loving me despite myself.

Did you know:  When we lose weight the stomach releases more ghrelin which is the hormone that makes us feel hungry.  It is why we often “sabotage” our weight loss.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving