Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight




So then, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

Verse Reflections:  I have faith that I can do this.  But I can lose that faith so easily. This verse is the center of our success.  By reading God’s word we can have faith.  If we don’t read God’s word our faith disappears.  I know this is why I have to read God’s word every day.  I cannot eat right without the word of God being the core of my strength.  I have tried to “control” my eating without stopping and reading a scripture and I can’t.  There is power in the word of God.  By reading scripture daily and dedicating myself to eating God foods there is a huge difference in my spirit, in my calm.  Notice that this verse says that “hearing” (and faith) comes by the word of God. How many times have You complained that you just couldn’t hear God?  When we read the word of God we can begin to recognize and hear His voice all the time.  You can’t recognize a friend’s voice on the phone if you only talk to them once a year but that friend you talk to every week just has to say hi and we know who it is.  Because of God’s word I have faith that we can overcome our unhealthy eating habits.  I am able to embrace with confidence my ability to today eat God food instead of wanting to cook a big pan of cookies, biscuits, French fries… and eat every one of them.   My faith changes from having hope for tomorrow to having hope today just by reading the scriptures.  I can bring the light into the darkness just by infusing God’s spirit into today.  Tomorrow will never change our lives.  The only day that will change us is today.  But I can’t have faith in my ability to eat right today without reading God’s word every day.  God’s word is our only “offensive” option.  Somehow, reading God’s word give us the power to score today instead of constantly defending against the temptations that make us put off scoring until tomorrow.  Do you want to score today?  Then read His word.  Take this verse and store it in your heart!  Today we must have FAITH that we will eat God foods.  We read His word and that alone gives us the power, the faith that we can eat foods God created for us.

Prayer:  Thank you Father for giving me this scripture, for infusing my soul with faith in Your power.  Thank You for giving me the faith that I can eat right just by giving me Your words of confirmation, affirmation and power.  I know the strength You give, I know the calm.  You take the rumblings, the temptations within and sprinkle a gentling powder over them.  What used to erupt into a compulsive craving changes into a calm acceptance from one moment to the next.  I have You to thank for that.  I know that scripture is our one “offensive” tool against the power of darkness.  Thank you for giving me faith that I can do this by your word.  Thank You for helping me to stop and read Your word.  I know the key to success is to hear scripture, to internalize Your word every day.  We CAN do this.  We can score today. I have faith!

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving