Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Pursuing right-ness”

Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. Proverbs 21:21

Verse Reflections:  Today I am going to pursue righteousness which I always translate in my brain to “right-ness”.  I know what is right, and so do you.  Again, I KNOW what is right.  I just have to do it.  I love the way God reminds us that if we do what is right and we love then we will find life, prosperity and honor.  Loving and doing what is right will allow us to live life, find life.  We must also pursue love.  That begins with loving ourselves.  My Mom always told me, “If you aren’t happy with yourself, you will never be happy with anyone.”  This verse says we will find life but how can we lose life?  Haven’t we ever lost our luster, our vigor, our enthusiasm or liveliness? It is interesting to think that if we pursue, continually seek, continually implement right-ness we will find life.  We will be lighter, happier, and more enthusiastic when we know we are doing God’s will.  When we treat our body with love we will honor our body and our life that God blessed us with.  We must be successful in our pursuit of right-ness, or eating right.  We can do this and find a new level of life.   To prosper means to be successful or fortunate.  If we do what is right we will be successful in eating right and having a healthy weight.  I know I will prosper (be successful) in my quest to be healthy if I pursue this right way of eating.    I also know that I honor my body when I eat right.  When I choose unhealthy foods I am dishonoring my body.   I am literally destroying the health, the life God has given me.  Why do I ever choose to dishonor my body by putting in empty calories, by adding weight that causes pain in my joints, causes breathing difficulties, creates dizziness…?  Today we are going to pursue the RIGHT way of eating.  God’s way.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, give me the ability to pursue this “right” lifestyle, to pursue an unconditional love for myself in the process.  I know that if I eat God foods, I will be successful in honoring my body.  I know that if I eat God foods I will be healthy and gain life instead of sickness.  Thank You for this reminder God.  Take away the crazy side of me that can’t divide my foods into right and wrong without getting seriously sick in my head.  Thanks for teaching me moderation with the “plus 1”.  Will You hold me, love me today?  I know what to do.  The key is wanting to.  And yet You tell me I have to pursue the choices; they don’t just happen.  I have to consciously go after this every day.  Surround me with the people, the strength, the foods that will allow me to experience this abundant life.  I know you want health, prosperity and honor for me.  You have given me the tools to reach out and grab all of these things.  Can you be my right-hand man, handing me the tools I need before I even ask for them?  I am not strong enough, nor wise enough on my own.  I love you and desperately seek Your power today.  I want to honor you in the foods that I choose to pursue and eat today.  I want to pursue right-ness.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving