Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Stop judging yourself”

Don’t criticize and you won’t be criticized. And why worry about the speck in the eye of a brother when you have a board in your own eye. Matthew 7:1-2

Verse Reflections:  We sometimes forget that this verse also means that we don’t need to criticize ourselves.  So often we are truly our own worst critic. We need to love ourselves unconditionally as Christ loves us. It is easy to think of this verse in terms of us talking about other people or internally criticizing others.  However, we often criticize ourselves worst of all.  We criticize our bodies, our weight, our looks, every imperfection real or imagined.  We need to also realize that we are God’s temple, His creation.  We need to begin this day by not judging others OR ourselves.   God will give us the power to do that. He loves us with all our faults. And yet often we do not love ourselves with this same unconditional love.  We have to admit this love deep into our souls before we can change unhealthy eating habits that we use to comfort, reward and punish ourselves.  We are so aware of weight and eating habits in America that it is almost revolting.  Let’s begin this day by not being hard on ourselves or others.  I definitely have that board in my own eye when it comes to eating and then criticizing myself. I constantly chastise myself when I eat too much or choose the wrong foods.  Why am I so hyper-critical?   I have no right to criticize anyone’s habits including my own. Just chill and make good decisions.  Let’s begin by asking God to give us the joy of the day.  Let’s ease up on slapping our hand or criticizing ourselves or others (even in our heads) about eating habits.  God gave us delicious, amazing foods.  I made my own cereal yesterday by mixing a variety of roasted nuts with raisins and cran-raisins and pouring milk over it.  No carbs, no processed foods.  Delicious.  I’m taking an apple for a snack at 10:00.  I can’t wait to start this day by not judging myself and having fun with God foods.

Prayer:  Dear Father, Take away this board in my eye.  Allow me to know I am your child and that you made me beautiful.  I need Your help today to not criticize myself.  We are going to have an awesome day and I so appreciate You loving me and accepting me just as I am.  I have developed some habits of daily self-criticism.  I am giving them to You.  So many times I eat just to “spite myself” or others.  I’m not really that hungry in my body but I get antsy, bored, frustrated or lonely and turn to chocolate, sugar and butter or carbs for comfort.  Fix me, mold me in Your image because my own image of myself is a little screwed up.  I adore you and love You and I know you adore and love me.  Allow me to have joy without criticism or judgement or angst today.  When I am joyful, I have amazingly healthy eating habits so let’s go out there and make this happen.  It is time for me to start driving to start the day and my hair is wet so it’s ponytail time but I am excited about this new venture.  Thanks for giving me this awesome message of eating God +1.  Love you.  May You also have a blessed day and may I be part of that blessing for You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One Bible verse per day
  3. One journal/devotional time per day
  4. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  5. One exercise per day
  6. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  7. One protein with every meal
  8. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  9. One serving

What are God foods?  Straight from the ground or the animal J

What are non-God foods?  Anything else