Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Be renewed”

Then you put off the concerning the former conduct the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts. But be renewed in the spirit of your mind that you put on the new man that was created by God in true righteousness and Holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24

Verse Reflections:  God gives us the power to change.  It is just that simple.  He allows us to put our former conduct behind us, to consider that our former selves or the “old” me.  How awesome is that.  I love that the “old” me had to eat a pan of chocolate chip cookies and now I can eat one or two cookies (not pans).  I definitely had grown corrupt.  I had degraded from a previous healthy state of being.  God can restore me to the original state and even make me better.  He can “renew” me.  I have to be honest– I am already renewed in just a few weeks.   I know I am different, I am changed.  We went across the street last night after fourteen hours in the airport or on planes to get pizza.  In the past, I would have eaten for comfort.  Last night I ate two pieces and stopped.  I’m telling anyone who is reading this that is a miracle as big as God restoring someone’s arm that fell off.  If you are reading this then you understand exactly what I am saying.  This thirty minutes a day is life changing.  He is renewing the spirit of my mind and creating me into a new man.  I love the words righteousness and Holiness.  Righteousness simply means “right-ness”.  I am finally eating right, with right-ness.  Holiness means separated (from the world) by God.  I feel that.  Yesterday, we had several holy experiences on the plane and I am not kidding.  God placed us on the very front seats with extra space (we did not pay more) and interestingly I was on the aisle seat and Mark was on the other side, two seats away by the window.  There was a lot of talking up front by the stewards and stewardesses and suddenly they brought a man and his German shepherd to sit by Mark.  There was no doubt in our minds this was a veteran with a therapy dog.  God could not have placed him in a better place.  We love dogs and my husband is amazing in this type of situation.  I knew God arranged all of this.  When the veteran started to fidget, the dog just turned around and laid his head on his shoulder.  Within three minutes he was calm.  He and Mark got into a wonderful conversation and about thirty minutes into the flight the man reached out to his dog “Geiser” and said, “God has put us on the right aisle with the right people”.  The story goes on but I’m telling you, we were set apart by God on that flight and his holiness was all over that flight.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for creating a new holiness in me.  You have truly set me apart from worldly temptations and worldly views in Your name.  Please keep up the good work in me.  I like this “new” me.  I’ve always enjoyed devotion time and reading the word but never have I been addicted to it like this.  I know I need this time of centering to overcome the “old” me that craves sugar and carbs and ice cream and anything in that category.  It is nice to give myself the freedom to have whatever I want but not exceed ½ cup.  Okay, the pizza might have been a cup but you and I know it was a miracle and a reasonable amount.  Keep setting me apart in right-ness.  I love You!

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month