Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight


Healthy Smoothie

"Tastes great!" - Admin

Note:  This is my “go to” when I need a treat or ice cream.  It is freaking awesome!  I have the top shelf of my freezer dedicated to ingredients for this treat. You can leave off the banana if you are trying to lower your carb/sugar content.


Place the following ingredients in a blender

1/2 frozen banana – it will not be the same if not frozen

1 cup frozen blueberries

1 T cocoa

1 T ground flax seeds

1 T chia seeds

1 T bran

1 cup of raw spinach (trust me, you won’t taste it)

1 cup milk

1 T peanut butter


Blend all the above ingredients for 1 minute or more