Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“My heart’s desire”

“I seek my happiness in the Lord, and He gives me my heart’s desire. I give myself to the Lord, trust in Him and He helps me; He makes my righteousness shine like the noonday sun.” Psalm 37:4-5 (GNT)

Verse Reflections:  Starting my day with God and making a firm appointment with Him every morning at 7:00 has made the difference.  I know the more I trust in Him, the more His light fills me, the less room I have for darkness or dark thoughts and then His light does begin spilling out.  Maybe someone reading this has some other temptation that haunts you.  Seek Your happiness in God and He will fill you up so that the temptations become smaller and smaller and smaller until they finally disappear.  But you will have to start each day with Him in order for them to diminish.  The more He grows inside of You, the more You trust Him the less room You will have for other things.  The minute you choose not to keep your appointment with God is the minute your temptations will grow again.  Give yourself to the Lord and trust Him every day.  We can do this!! But only with Him shining like the noonday sun within us. When I seek Him first, when I seek my happiness in Him then He literally changes my heart and what I desire.  I am not craving the sweets like I used to.  I still have to concentrate hard before every meal because my mind still flickers through all my potential choices but because I am giving myself to the Lord daily, I am trusting in Him, He is seriously helping me block out the choices that will not make me healthier.  He truly gives me right-ness and the right choices each day.  I do have to say I am happier and I feel His light within knowing I made good choices.  Today is the day for our right-ness to shine like the noonday sun!!  Wow.  How powerful.

Prayer:  Thank You Lord for encouraging me daily.  Thank You for getting through my thick head that I should make an appointment with You daily and then keep it. You really do help me have new desires in my heart when I spend time with You.  It is crazy, it is awesome.  Why do I ever try to do life without spending time with You?  I really can’t do this healthy eating without You.  I shouldn’t try to do life without You but sometimes I get too busy and start running.  It has made such a difference in 2017 to start my day with You.  I can feel a surge of energy within.  I feel the difference because I am making better choices.  Thank You for giving me a plan that allows me to stop by my favorite restaurant for a desert without feeling guilty.  Thank You for allowing this to work.  Give me patience.  I want to drop the weight off faster but I know I am making a life change that I can live with forever so I need to be patient and relax and enjoy life.  You are amazing.  Today I will seek my happiness in You and know that You will give me my heart’s (and mind’s) desire.  Together we will shine like the noonday sun today.  We CAN DO THIS!!

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!