Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Proud hearts”

“Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.” Ezekiel 28:17

Verse reflection:  Dang, Satan himself was all into his beauty.  Pride can certainly create a false sense of security in us.  It seems every time I get secure in certain aspects of my life something crashes down on top of it and blows pride right out the window.  It is interesting to me that beauty and pride “corrupted your wisdom”.  Maybe that is why we get wiser as we get older because the beauty, pride and certainly the splendor are not the items we depend on.  We settle into our relationships with God, the friends that are truly friends, the jobs we are good at and would do even if we didn’t get paid.  We learn that we can get through any hardship in life and it won’t crush us.  This verse reminds us that pride and beauty are dangerous.  So as we change our eating habits to depend on God’s food we choose to concentrate on being healthy not gorgeous.  Our wisdom can lead us to know that we need to change our eating habits to honor our body, to treasure this miracle of life.  This will make the difference in staying with a healthy lifestyle.

Prayer:  Good morning God.  Help me today to not concentrate on my looks.  Allow me to concentrate on eating healthy for You and for my health.  Make me wise rather than beautiful and proud.  You are my life and my center of being.  Help me to concentrate on that inside focus instead of the outside.  When I focus on the outside I get frustrated because I am not perfect.  When I focus on You and the inside it almost relaxes me and allows me to be okay where I am, with all my imperfections.  Today Lord, let’s celebrate my imperfections and turn them to my dependence on You.  I love You.  I need to eat healthy, so give me the strength and energy to want to eat right for You and for me.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!