Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Wanting what you shouldn’t have”

When your old nature was still active, sinful desires were at work within you, making you want to do whatever God said not to, and producing sinful deeds, the rotting fruit of death. Romans 7:5

Reflections:  Sometimes I act like a child and I want the foods that I know I should not eat just because I shouldn’t have them.  There are plenty of amazing, luscious foods that God has created that I know I should eat but instead I decide I want the foods that have no nutrients that are horrible for my body.  What is that?  Why do we push the boundaries that we know are bad for us? We are literally destroying our bodies by eating foods that convert to sugar and yet we do it every day.  There are no nutrients in pasta, and very, very few in cookies, cakes, breads and yet we inhale them.  This verse gives me hope that maybe my “old nature” can disappear.  Perhaps I can quite wanting to do whatever God said not to have.  So… the sinful desires make me want to do whatever God said not to.  I have to acknowledge that, know it and get rid of it.  God has overcome sin.  He died to give us the freedom to escape the power of sin.  That is what I love about Christianity, God’s gift of grace and power

Prayer:  Father, This is ridiculous that I am a mature adult and I still act like a child.  I crave the foods I should not have and I honestly think one of the reasons I crave them is because I know they are bad for me and I want to “spite the system”.  I think when I have a rotten day I want to say, “to heck with everything good for me, I have busted my batootie and this is the day I have had… I deserve something bad for me.”  Help me grow up.  It is time.  Help me change this mantra.  Help me know that I deserve good health, I deserve to eat foods that will retain the wonderful creation of my body.  I love You Lord, I want to serve You.  These verses keep going… and say “now you can really serve God… in the new way with all of your hearts and mind.”  That is what I want Father.  I want to serve You in a new way. I want to to cook healthy.  I love the movie where Jennifer Aniston says, “I want you to want to do dishes”.  God, “I want to want to eat right”.  I don’t want to fight myself and my desires each day.  Keep introducing me to foods that You made that we can cook beautifully.

Daily Challenge