Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



I have set the Lord always before me.

I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8

Verse Reflections:  We will not be shaken!  By reading these scriptures every morning we are setting or sending the Lord before us.  He will clear the way for us every day and give us the strength that we need to have to face the day and make healthy choices.  The days that we do not send the Lord before us we fail.  Pure and simple.  We know He has the power we do not have.  We can take His hand in ours and have confidence that we will not stumble.  How much steadier can we walk with a confident strength leading us up and down the rocks?  When I go hiking, it is so nice when a hand is offered to lend steadiness as I am climbing up or down a ledge.  It mitigates any fear I might have of falling.  I am not shaken when I have a partner that can offer a hand.  It is so important to imagine us taking the action each day to “set the Lord always before us”.  We have to stop, think and consciously send Him ahead of us to pave the way.  Otherwise, we fall.  We come to the ledge and there is no one below to offer a hand because we simply just didn’t ask.  Imagine the power of walking through life with another person going before us getting rid of the obstacles for our day.   God is telling us here that He will do this.  Will there be issues, problems?  Of course, but He is at our right hand and will give us the steady hand to climb over, through or under the obstacles.  Hallelujah!  Today, we are going to set the Lord before us so that we can make healthy eating choices.  He will be at our right hand so that we WILL NOT be shaken from this journey of choosing His foods when we eat.

Prayer:  Father, I consciously come to You today and beg You to go before me.  Please pave the way and remove temptations.  When there are temptations, will You take my hand as You stand beside me and allow me to not be shaken from my ability to choose healthy foods.  Lord, forgive me for the days that I do not read Your word.  Forgive me for the days that I do not “set You before me”.  I read this and I feel like an idiot for not stopping life for a short time every day so that my way is paved by You.  I thank You for standing by my right hand.  Allow me to dig the fingernails of my right hand into my hand to remind me that You are there when I want that second helping or that desert or extra carbohydrates.  God I need reminders.  I need You to speak loudly.  And yet, You are reminding me that I have to take the first step every day.  Here it is.  My plea to You to go, to save my day before it even begins.  I am weak.  I have been shaken too many times.  Today, I am begging You to give me a steadiness in choosing my food choices that I cannot receive without You.  I adore You and love You. Go God. I am setting You before me.   I’ll catch up with You soon.  Let’s eat healthy today.

Daily Challenge