Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



When the Father sends

When the Father sends the Advocate as My representative- that is the Holy Spirit- He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:26

Verse Reflections:  An advocate is someone who speaks in support or defense of a person.  The Holy Spirit is our advocate.  On those days we don’t believe in ourselves the Holy Spirit believes in us.  He knows we can get healthy, be healthy, live healthy.  It doesn’t matter what has happened in your past.  Whether your Father didn’t tell you that you were beautiful, you were abused, you were made fun of, you had a hard life, or you were not raised in a home of love… YOU have an advocate.  You have someone who believes in you.  You have someone who defends you.  Remember the guilt we feel when we eat the wrong foods?  This is why.  We have the Holy Spirit living inside of us telling us what we should eat.  We are reminded of everything the Lord has instructed us to do through these Bible verses we have been led to.  We know what foods to eat.  We know what foods not to eat.  The Holy Spirit has taught us.  We feel it inside our souls.  Why then, do we ignore the voice?  Why do we ignore our advocate?  Our advocate is supporting us.  Our advocate is defending us.  We should embrace the voice inside.  We should listen.  Remember this the next time that someone hands you that temptation.  Today, we are going to embrace the Holy Spirit, our champion.  Today, we are going to remember that we have been taught what to eat.  With the help of our advocate, we are going to eat God foods.  Always remember, today is the only day that will change your life.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for loving us enough to send an advocate for us.  Lord, I love You.  I am humbled to think that I have a powerful spirit that supports me and defends me.  Sometimes I feel alone in my fights here on earth.  I certainly feel inadequate, unable to be as good as I want to be.  It comforts me to know that You have sent a representative that will teach me, remind me and fight for me.  Today I ask that this power be evident in my life.  May Your spirit talk loudly to me.  May Your spirit conquer my temptations.  May Your spirit remind me that I want to eat healthy.  May Your spirit remind me loudly that my body belongs to You.  Take my hand and walk me through this day.  Fight for me when I am too weak.  Support me when I am about to give in.  Teach me Your will for my life, when I am willfully ignoring what I already know.  Remind me that we are eating delicious foods that You created to keep me healthy.    I love You.

Daily Challenge