Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Eat to Glorify God”

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31

Verse Reflections:  If I start my day with every bite I take, every sip I drink being done to “glorify God” then how different my choices will be.  I must honor and praise Him with my food.  Every detail of our life should reflect Him and the love we feel for Him.  Eating foods empty of nutrition, the energy that powers this beautiful body He has given us, does not glorify Him.  Eating sugars or processed foods that give us a quick spike of “feel good” and then crash us down does not glorify Him.  We must breathe Him in and stop and think about our choices.  This verse by its very existence reinforces eating pure God foods.  These foods glorify God, choosing them reminds us to treasure our bodies, to honor Him.  There is nothing in those foods that can harm our body.  We will be able to have a healthy weight, to feel good about ourselves and we will have the energy to do the daily callings of God.  Listen to the birds call and think of what God is calling you to do.  Let’s glorify God with our choices today.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for this verse that reminds me to honor You with all my choices.  Today I want to honor You with the foods I eat and the drinks I drink.  I do love my diet cokes!  So, thank You for giving me that guilt free “plus one” message that allows me to forgive myself for a couple of vices here and there.  I am close to 90 days in and I am starting to feel a difference in my head, which may be as important as my body in this process.  I am starting to make the choices a part of who I am.  It is making a difference in  where I look on the menu, where I shop in the grocery store.  Thank You for being a part of this process.  May I glorify You through what I eat and drink today and all days.  May my foods honor and praise You as they become a part of this Holy temple You have entrusted to my care.  I adore You.  May my choices today show You this adoration.  I lift up my day, to glorify You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!