Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Reap what you sow”

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8 NIV

Verse Reflections:  I must let go.  I must relinquish control.  I have sown seeds of recklessness.  I have poured pounds of sugar into my body.  If I were honest I have no doubt I have poured tons of sugar in my body.  There are two cups of sugar in a pound, or 4,000 cups equal a ton.  I easily eat a pound per week so I have eaten over 3 tons of sugar in my life.  Easily.  No exaggeration.  I am mocking God.  If I have knee problems or joint problems , heart issues, kidney issues or pancreatic issues as I age, it is totally my fault.  I have sown, I have planted seeds of destruction in my body.  Why do I take my eating lightly?  Why do we criticize the alcoholic so vehemently but we just laugh about our eating habits?  This verse reminds me that this is very serious.  I will have destructive consequences for my choices.  So often we take God’s grace, God’s graciousness, God’s miracles for granted and we treat our bodies as if they will last forever and we do not have to be conscious of what we put into them.  I am done.  I am going to plant seeds that are pleasing to God, not pleasing to myself.  I am done.  I am done with my bad habits.  I can still enjoy baking and share the results with others without overindulging.  I can still enjoy an occasional treat without having two and three and five helpings.  God has given me an order in this verse that I have torn to shreds.  I have eaten to please my flesh, my body, my brain and my heart.  I am going to suffer the destruction of my body if I am not careful.

Prayer:  Father forgive me.  I literally have tears in my eyes as I realize the depth of how I have mocked You.  I am destroying my body with my eating habits.  I have take You for granted as I made choices that please myself not You.  Daniel was so wise in the Bible and yet I ignored all the lessons.  Thank You Father that I have eating my fruits and vegetables.  But forgive me Father that I have overeaten so many other Carbohydrates/Sugars.  I am going to reap destruction.  I feel like a curtain has been lifted and I can never go back.  I have known it was bad for me but Lord I have not been as conscious of the consequences as I should have been.  Father, You have opened the eyes of my heart.  Today I am done.  Today I am going to reach out for Your power.  I know this verse refers to eternal life but it also refers to life here on this earth and the consequences of my choices.  I ask for grace.  I ask for Your graciousness as I change my habits, my choices and repair my body.  Lord I bow my head in shame.  I have mocked You.  I have mocked the science behind Your creation and expected my pancreas, my liver and my kidney to keep up with my ridiculous intake of sugar.  Give me the strength to reach out for Your beautiful, amazing foods and change my life.  Forgive me and help me to reach forward with power and plant seeds of health and right-ness.  Today is God foods and healthy choices.  I love You forever and look forward to pleasing You.

Daily Challenge