Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



It will be given

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened unto you; for every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:7

Verse reflections:  He will give you the strength to eat right!  If You SEEK His will, You will find the strength to do it.  Eating God foods IS His will.  If you ASK Him for the strength, He will give you the strength to crave, seek and eat His foods.  However, remember, time with Him is important.  All we have to do is KNOCK on His door and He will open it. When we start each day in God’s house, listening to His words we will have a new found strength from within.  It amazes me how much easier my day is when I start the day with God.   I love the thought of knocking on His door and going inside to listen to Him speak to us, a candle burning.  It kind of brings new life to having a devotion in the morning.  Imagine that He is telling us now, in the comfort of His home, that He will give you strength to eat His foods if we just ASK Him for the strength.  I think we should go a step beyond and ask Him to help us crave His foods.  Then we have to follow through and SEEK His foods.  This is hard when we are on the road, when we are inundated with drive through eating options.  But there are some great options if we seek them.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for the reassurances in this verse that we can do this as a team.  I am asking You now for the strength to eat Your foods.  I am knocking on the door of Your home and coming to visit so I can hear Your words.  I am going to hide these words in my heart during the day today to remind me that You are with me.  With Your help, I am going to seek Your will, but I am also going to seek God foods.  Thank You that I can come to You and Ask, Seek and Find.  I know You adore me, You love me and treasure me but sometimes I get so caught up in my world down here I forget the details of that.  I forget to have the confidence Your love gives me.  I will say thank You in this same prayer for changing my cravings.  You are healing me after years of horrible, debilitating cravings.  It amazes me that if I just eat Your foods I can stop with one brownie.  Me!  I can stop with one brownie.  That is a miracle.  Thank You.  Why isn’t this lifestyle touted all over the world?  I’m glad You finally spoke loud enough for me to listen to You.  Scratch that, I’m glad I finally got quiet enough to hear You.  Thank You Father, we can so do this.  We are doing this.


Daily Challenge