Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



You were bought with a price, therefore, glorify God in your body.

For God has bought you with a great price. So use every part of your body to give glory back to God, because He owns it. I Corinthians 6:20

Verse Reflections:  God bought us with the greatest price, the greatest gift available– His life.  We are loved with a sacrificial love that caused Jesus to sweat drops of blood, to be abandoned by His closest friends, to die a painful death just so we could glimpse a fraction of God’s love for us.  He commands us to use every part of our body to give glory back to God in thanks.  I do the opposite of this commandment.  I abuse my body and dump useless calories into it.  I pour sugar into my body causing my liver to become resistant to insulin.  Our bodies will start pumping out more insulin to process the over-abundance of sugar, eventually overstressing our pancreas and causing Type 2 diabetes.  WebMD estimates that Americans eat an average of 20 teaspoons of sugar a day compared to the recommended 6 for women and 9 for men.  That is almost a ½ a cup a day!  Yes, carbohydrate fans, that means you too—carbs turn sugar.  Yes, I am guilty.  Sugar causes inflammation in our joints.  Sugar damages the collagen and elastin in our skin causing us to look older than we are.

God OWNS our body.  He made it, He created it.  He died for us.  Why can we not simply eat healthy to say thank you?  Today we are going to remember to use every part of our body to give glory back to God.  We will use our brains to say “no that is not an option”.  We will use our hands to select healthy foods to prepare.  We will use our mouths to chew healthy foods and our stomach to digest healthy foods.  Eventually the rest of our body will benefit from these choices.

Prayer:  Father, I am rededicating my body to You today.  Thank You for buying my body with Your life, the greatest price of all.  I have to ask You to guide my body, my choices, my selections, the foods I chew, swallow and “eat”.  Lord, I am weak.  I do not honor You.  I do not glorify You.  I now want to come to You in desperation to ask for You to buy me again, to help me.  I cannot eat healthy, crave healthy by myself.  You are strong.  You are the King of creation.  You are my creator.  Please, let me think about the healthy breakfast I am preparing soon with excitement and anticipation.  Give me a meal for lunch that will make me exhilarated.  Allow me to want to eat healthy with your power.  I love You and I am ready to glorify You with every part of my body.  You paid the ultimate price and I can’t even leave off 3 sugar/carb laden foods a day.  What is wrong with me?  If you own my body then you get to make the choices for me. I am Yours and I am weak, helpless and stubborn.  You have to take over Father.  You own me, so please act like it and take over.  I want to be Your slave.  Right now, I am a slave to my own intolerable cravings.  Take them away.   Today we will eat God foods.

Daily Challenge