Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13

Verse Reflections:  This verse should have been the first verse we read and made a part of our plan, woven into the very fiber of our heart.  We cannot do all things by ourselves.  Trust me, I have been trying to control my eating for 40 years by myself.  It has not worked.  With Christ I can choose the right foods.  With Christ we can eat the foods He made for us.  We can treat our body with respect.  We can become healthy.  We can do ALL things.  We can stop eating the foods that cause us to crave more food, that stop the hormone that tells us we are full.  I used to think I was crazy because I was hungry after a ton of food.  It helped me to realize that when we eat the wrong foods we block the leptin that registers our stomachs are full.  Therefore, we keep eating, we keep craving more food.  Once we stop eating these foods we can actually become healthy.  We will not keep eating way after we should stop.  God has given us this new knowledge and Christ strengthens us with this life changing awareness.  Now that we know, we can stop this vicious cycle of ridiculous unhealthy eating patterns.  God strengthens us when we read His word.  The Holy Spirit enters our body and gives us power beyond our own human capabilities.  We must keep reading His word daily and stop relying on our imperfect abilities.  God strengthens us.  We must depend on Him to make this work.  Let’s eat His foods, He uses them to give us the strength and ability to be healthy.

Prayer:  Father, You have given us the power, the strength to do all things.  I am claiming this promise today.  You are telling me I can be healthy, I can lose weight, I can avoid diabetes.  Lord, make me strong.  Lord give me this ability.  I can do all things but only with Your power, Your strength.  Take over my body, my spirit today.  Father, I have no other place to turn.  I can’t do this.  I can’t write down my foods for the rest of my life.  I can’t count calories.  I can’t count carbs.  I can’t count sugar.  I have to make this easy, God centered plan work.  Father, I believe that You gave us this plan.  I believe that You created healthy foods that will give us the bodies You planned for each of us.  I am tired.  I am weary.  I am frustrated.  And yet, breaking through all of this is hope.  Breaking through all of this is the knowledge that You are my strength.  Today is the day God.  Take my hand and give me strength to eat God foods.


Daily Challenge