Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. Philippians 3:19

Verse Reflections:  So many times my god has been my belly, my cravings.  My mind is set on earthly things.  Many days I think about food more than God.  I am destroying my own health.  There are days I feel my feet burn with the amount of sugar/carbs I eat.  I cannot get out of the tub without turning to the side and grabbing the edge.  I know that my weight gain is ruining my health.  I am only 40 pounds overweight.  I do not understand how people that are 100 pounds or more overweight can even walk.  I am truly in awe at their strength.  I am too weak to get my 40 extra pounds off the floor without a struggle.  I feel my weight sitting up in bed with rolls kind of bunching up. We are hastening our death by what we eat.  Our cells degrade when we eat sugar/carbs.  We are destroying our physical fitness, eliminating options of what we can do each day.  We must quit making our belly into our god.  God is our God with a capital “G”.  Starting our day with these devotions can integrate His word into our day, into our trips to the grocery store, into the meals that we eat.  This verse says we glory in our shame—praise/honor our shame.  Some of you are saying, we don’t honor our shame.  Yes.  Yes, we do every time we go back to the pantry and eat more sugar/carbs.  We are adding to our shame.  We are ashamed of how we look, how we eat, how our clothes fit.  We are ashamed of how our bodies act or move and yet we go back and do it again day after day after day.  It is time to quit honoring our shame.  It is time to destroy our shame and honor God.  He has created beautiful foods, that are sumptuous.  Today we eat these foods.  We set our minds on God, heavenly things.  We glory in God.

Prayer:  Father, today You are my only God.  I will not make my belly my god.  I will glorify You and I will not glorify my shame.  Will You give me the power?  I have to depend on You to make this happen.  Help me not to set my mind on earthly things, but to instead set my mind on heavenly things… YOU.  God, this verse is so deep for me.  I do not want to destroy myself with my eating.  Please give me the power to change the path I am on.  I must glorify You, not my shame.  I must not glorify/honor the shame that I have created by making my belly my god.  The only way to stop this shame is to start my day with You each day so that I have the living power of Your word to change my eating habits, change my health and my weight.  We can do this if You lead my day.  We are going to eat God foods today and we will have so much fun.  I love You.


Did you know?  Serotonin improves sleeping patterns.

Daily Challenge