Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Lean upon Him”

Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him. Psalm 37:7 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  My tendency is to jump out of bed the minute the alarm rings.  I meet two friends to run for an hour then I shower and talk to my husband while I get ready.  Then I head into work and unless I purposefully stop my life and read God’s word I am not still all day until I go to bed at night.  Taking just 10 minutes for a devotion centers me and gentles my soul.  I have to be still and rest in the Lord every morning, to live in the intimacy of His presence.   As a strong person that is used to being successful in life, I am astounded that I cannot control my eating habits.  My life habit is to work hard and success is my reward.  This just will not work with my eating, my binge eating just 10% of the time destroys the 90% of the time I eat healthy.   I must “wait for Him and patiently lean” myself upon Him.  I HAVE to lean upon Him.  I will fall every time I try to stand alone on this journey.  80% of all people that lose weight gain it back (Dr. Phil 20/20).  I am too old to look for the easy path, the pill that will make me lose weight, the fast weight loss plan.  They do not work long term.  I must not cling to my old habits.  I must be transformed into a new person that leans on God.  I must be patient, this will not be an easy adventure, a fast change in my life.  This is a transformative lifestyle.  I have clung to my old habits,  attempts to be successful on my own.  I must focus my attention on Christ and rest in His ability to change my life.   I am listening to rain drops as I write this, looking out over the ocean and my soul is still.  Oh how I crave this stillness daily.  May I use the stillness of a blessing before every meal to dedicate my eating, my choices of foods to God.  I have never done this.  I thank Him for the foods, and ask blessings on the people I love.  Today I am going to change my blessing time to a time of being still and trusting Him, leaning on Him to guide my choices in eating.

Prayer:  Lord, give me the stillness in my soul that only You can create.  It is when my soul begins to circle and build up anxiety that I crave the foods that destroy my body.  I know that I can rest in You because Your power supersedes my own.  You have the power that I can trust in.  My human failings are so obvious, I am literally destroying my joints, my strength by eating too many processed foods.  Turn Your shoulder to me today God and allow me to lay my head upon You.  Take my hand and allow me to feel Your strength seep into my mind, into my choices.  God, I admit that I want weight loss immediately.  And yet, I will be happy to be patient if You will transform me into a person that eats healthy daily.  I need to wait on You to change my body.  I must rest in the knowledge that if I am following Your commandments than I will be successful.  I must know that You will choose the healthy weight for me.  I will do my part of being still and trusting in You.  I know I will stumble and fall on the days that I choose not to stop and simply read your word in stillness.  However,  I will be patient because You have asked me to trust and lean on You.  I know that being reliant on You will change my life forever.  Thank You Father!


Daily Challenge