Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Heal me, O LORD

Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise. Jeremiah 17:1

Verse Reflections:  This is perfect timing!  I have to be healed Lord, I have to be saved.  I am drowning in my food cravings.  Life is good and I’m using the goodness to excuse my splurges.  Of course, if life is bad, I use that too.  I am just flat sick to the point that I cannot do this on my own.  I cannot allow myself to begin to accumulate treat after treat after treat.  It works for me to allow myself one non-God food, one treat.  But there are days when I begin with one, then add two, then add three and the list goes on.  Father HEAL me.  I have to be healed.  If You heal me I will praise You at the top of my lungs.  I will not worry about my pride.  I do praise You now as my savior.  I just need a true healing from my eating addiction.  I love You sooooooo much!  I am over the line of normal.  I hide it well.  I even look pretty good in clothes, even shorts.  But I am not well.  Heal me, save me.  You are my praise and I know this works.  I am rededicating myself to Your word + one.  I am sorry I have taken a three week break from it.  I’m back.  I need You because I cannot do this on my own.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, I come to You in serious prayer.  I need You seriously.  Father, embrace me, protect me from myself.  When I do not spend time in Your word I am my worst enemy.  Please take me inside Your soul.  Protect me from this world.  I know it is not healthy to fill my body with sugar or processed carbohydrates.  I want to treasure this body You gave me.  And yet, I cannot do it on my own.  I sabotage my progress.  I was at a weight that I have not been at for three years and then I take three weeks off from God Plus one.  I know my body enough to know I have gained at least 2/3 of the weight back.  What an idiot I am.  But even more, my feet are burning because of the sugar.  Protect my health.  Protect me from myself.  I need You close because it is easy for me to push You away just enough to allow me to justify my indulgences.  No!! This will stop today with Your help.  This verse says “heal me and I WILL be healed”.  “Save me and I WILL be saved”.  So, today I am going to be healed, I am going to be saved.  Thank You.  I will praise You and give You praise for both.

Daily Challenge