Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble. Romans 14:21

Verse reflections:  I know this verse is referring to my brother stumbling but I am feeling my own pain today.  It is not good for me to eat what causes me to stumble.  And I cannot eat more than one non-God food a day.  Why?  Because sugar and processed carbs cause serious compulsions within my body.  I do not get full.  I do not stop.  I cannot stop.  My body wants more.  My body wants more sugar, more processed food.  I know I can also make a difference in my brother or sister’s life by not indulging in foods that are not good for me.  Interestingly enough, it only takes a little “over-indulgence” to make me stumble.  It is like an alcoholic who has the first drink.  I can eat tons of God food but I cannot eat non-God foods.  If I have more than one non-God food I cannot stop until I am miserable.  I am very conscious of not serving wine or not drinking if there is someone at an event that has an alcohol issue.  I always want to give them strength to say know by just knowing there is one other person not drinking.  Now, I need to take that same “witness” to eating.  I need to bring a healthy choice to the parties and I need to give others in the room the same role model by choosing to eat healthy.  Sometimes it is easier for me to have strength for others than it is for me to have strength for myself.  So, by helping my brother I will also help myself.  We have to work together fellow food addicts.  Come on, let’s quit causing each other to stumble!


Prayer:  Father, give me the strength to stop at one.  Give me the strength to eat God-foods.  Give me the ability to not make my brother/sister or me stumble.  I am so weak.  It is not easy for me to think of myself as a role model for eating habits.  Bless me.  Bless my ability to be strong.  I love You and I want treasure my body.  It is easy for me to want to bake.  Then I give most of the food away.  I have no doubt that I have been part of others not sticking to healthy eating plans.  Lord, You have to be the one that causes me not to make someone else stumble.  Let’s be role models.  I love that thought.  If I think of others watching me I might be stronger.  Bulimia is a closet, secret disorder.  Let’s pull it out of the closet and be public in my desire to change to a role model for others that fight an eating addiction.  Thank You.  I know together we can help our brother or sister not stumble in their eating.  New me God.  The new eating habits role model!

Daily Challenge