Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9

Verse reflections:  This is a heavy verse and many people would miss the reference that is relevant to our overeating.  The best way to think about unrighteousness or righteousness is “right-ness”.  If we are not eating “right” or healthy then we are not being righteous.  And yes, that is a sin.  God has given us gorgeous, amazing bodies that do fascinating things.  We have to preserve these abilities.  We have to treasure the science behind his creations.  We can’t gain 30, 40, 100 pounds and then pray that God take away our back or knee pain.  How selfish!  How arrogant!  That is like piling a car on a tricycle and then crying because it bent.  Or worse yet, then praying for God to fix our tricycle.  Our bodies are built for a healthy weight.  Why do we keep eating/piling the car on top?  I have trouble getting out of the tub when I gain just 30 pounds.  What is wrong with me?  I have sciatica issues at this same weight.  I have to get my b-u-t-t in line (literally) and quit taking my body for granted.  I have to quit expecting it to keep working the same way when I am eating the wrong foods.  This verse reminds me that I have to be cleansed from all un-rightness.

Prayer:  God, I AM sinning right now.  I ate an entire batch of chocolate chip cookies over three days (okay my husband ate four).  That is 2 cups of sugar, 1 ½ cup of butter… Today is my day to quit sinning and to get serious about this. You have to cleanse me from this un-right-ness because I have serious shoes (issues) in the closet.  Help me Father, remind me of this verse all day today because I have to do this one day at a time.  Tomorrow will never change my life so help me today to begin this journey.  I am at a life-time high at my weight.  I am wearing a dress that has never been tight and I am popping out all around it.  Yikes!  I can’t do this living any more.  I have to confess my sins to You and accept Your forgiveness.  I have been taking Your precious body here on earth for granted.  Take me to the higher plane that righteous living allows.  Draw me CLOSE to You.  I can’t change my life if I exist separately from You.  I love You but I need You inside of me, reminding me, changing me, making me righteous.  I feel like David on my knees begging You for a life of right-ness.  I have screwed up for decades.

Daily Challenge