Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“We have a helper!”

John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever…

Verse Reflections:  My soul calms down when I read that Jesus himself realizes we can’t do this life without a helper.  He knew that we need that still, small voice inside calming us, steering us, giving us power.  I love Jesus’s confidence that “I will ask… and he will give”.  There is no doubt in Him that God will deliver.  I wish I had this confidence.  I used to have this faith when I was younger.  I guess the older I get the more I realize that I don’t know what I don’t know.  I am 100% confident that God will answer me.  I am not always confident I will get the answer I want or think I need.  So, I pray with my limited knowledge of this temporary life on this earth and try to leave room for God to answer with His complete knowledge to eternity.  (“Squirrel”)  Back on topic… isn’t it reassuring to know that God gives us “another” helper.  We have Him, the big dog in heaven, we have the earthly role model of Jesus and then we have the Holy Spirit living and breathing with us every minute.  I love that we can access God in all those forms just like we can have H2O as water, steam or ice. I think I need different forms of God on different days.  Some days I need my Father figure who loves me unconditionally, some days I need a brother who understands me and what I am going through, some days I need that power that I feel from inside.  And some days I can’t separate them and I just call on GOD the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  We are blessed!  We can make healthy choices of food no matter how daunting the task, because we have another helper that is with us forever!

Prayer:  Father, I love that You have given us the Holy Spirit as that helper that will be with us forever.  I know that You want the best for me.  You want me to have health.  My freedom of choice is mine but if I just pause each day, You will flood me with power that I will not have on my own.  Please, Father place my helper in every fiber of my being.  I need the Holy Spirit to be in my mind, in my heart, in my liver, my kidney (filtering my body), my pancreas producing the right amount of insulin and in my fat cells to help them be processed in a steady, healthy way.  Integrate the Holy Spirit throughout my body.  I do not need to crave short term shots of dopamine.  I do not need to indulge in too much sugar or carbohydrates.  Allow my helper to love on me, give me the power to love myself and KNOW we are going to make the right choices today and every day.  You have given us amazing foods, thank You for this.  Love You, Your son and Our helper.

Daily Challenge