Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Hangry and living on God’s word”

Deuteronomy 8:3 And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.

Verse Reflections:  I think I would have led a revolt Father if I had been one of the Israelites that had to eat manna.  I could have left my home, I could have travelled for 40 years, I could have slept on the ground.  But I would have been “hangry” in the worst sense if you had sent down those nasty plastic tasting wafers.  You definitely humbled them, you let them get hungry.  Then You fed them.  I know at this point they should have been grateful so forgive my attitude from this distance.  It is so easy to say they were so unappreciative here from our carpet lined Sunday School classes.  However, I am ashamed to say that the manna would have done me in.  You remind me in this verse that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.  This needs to be my focus.  I must learn to LIVE by EVERY word that comes from You.  I must change my focus, my enjoyment from food to Your word.  How beautiful to imagine a high from reading Your word, from listening to Your voice.  Can I find the same excitement in reading Your words that I find in awesome foods?  Could I imagine a grocery store of scripture?  I could roll my buggy around and get excited about pulling a verse off the shelf!  I could end up with a beautiful buggy full of verses, sentences You have constructed just for me.  We could take the verses home in little paper bags and unpack them at home, tucking the verses around the kitchen.  In fact, I think I am actually going to do that tomorrow.  I am going to put some of these verses on index cards and put them all through my kitchen cabinets.  Thank You for this thought.  As usual, You are brilliant.

Prayer:  Father, it is not lost on me that this is the quote that Jesus used to turn away Satan’s promise to turn the rocks to bread if Christ would just worship him.  The fact that Christ used this quote to make Satan drop this temptation shows the power in Your word.  Thank You Father for an entirely different way of looking at living on Your word.  I love the idea of a grocery store full of scripture.  I am looking forward to taping up scripture that feeds my soul.  I am going to feast on beautiful words from Your mouth.  Lead me to the right verses to tape up in my kitchen.  Allow the right words to be in the place I need them most.  You are my Savior.  Save me from wanting to eat scrumptious earth based foods and instead give me cravings for Your beautiful scriptures, the words of Your mouth.  You are amazing.  Forgive my attitude toward manna, change my first world, princess self and make me grateful for the gifts I have received.  Focus my heart on the beauty of Your word first, and the beauty of the foods You have created second.  Love You.  Me (again)

Daily Challenge