Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Give glory to God”

Matthew 5:17 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Verse Reflections: I want my light to shine before others so they can see that God and I have it going on.  There hasn’t been a 20-30 pound weight loss around that people don’t start asking, “what did you do?”, “how did you lose the weight?”  This is the point I want to be at so that others will see God’s light through me and my success in losing weight/having a healthy body.  I know God has given me this plan of eating because He knows that I will give glory to my Father who is in heaven.  I have failed enough on my own (40 years of failure) that I know my ways of “will-power”, “diets”, “exercise”, “purging”… just don’t work.  I love the thought of giving God the glory for the good works, for my weight loss.  I love the thought of my weight loss being a light that shines before others for God.  So often, I have to question my witness, am I able to make a difference for God here on this earth?  He has given me so many gifts of peace and joy and happiness that I want to share them.  He is like a bullet proof vest in the midst of warfare here on this earth.  I want everyone to have that same protection.  If I shine a light (like weight loss) that others want and crave then I will be able to give glory to God.  Maybe my weight loss is more than a gift to myself it will open the beautiful give of Christ’s love and kingdom to others.


Prayer:  I love the thought God of my weight loss being a light for Your kingdom.  I work better if I am helping others and not just myself.  Let this be a light for other people.  As You have revealed verses to me I have tried to write these devotionals so that they may one day help others as they have helped me.  Now we just need to make sure the verses transfer to successful weight loss that is a light that shines before others.  Help my eating and drinking habits be a reflection of good works for You.  I know (I have been there) everyone will want to know what I am doing differently.  I hope by then I will have enough verses or maybe even a website that they can use to learn more.  I am not strong enough by myself to be this light.  You will have to make the weight loss successful.  I cannot do it on my own.  And therein lies the success in this verse… I will only be able to shine this light when I can give You all the glory.  It’s Yours God.  Let’s rock this program.

Daily Challenge