Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Serve God first”

Exodus 23:25 You shall serve the LORD your God, and he will bless your bread and your water, and I will take sickness away from among you.

Verse Reflections:  Three key points:  1. Serve the Lord   2.  He will bless our food and drink   3.  We will be healthy.  For me those three points form the threads in the tapestry of my eating.  IF I serve the Lord then He blesses what I eat and gives me the power to make healthy choices.  When I stay close to Him, serving Him daily, it is easy to receive the food and drink He chose for me and to eat them in the right portions.   When we choose His foods we are healthier.  One cannot exist without the other.  We cannot be healthy without eating nutritious foods.  Our food and drink will not be blessed if we are not choosing the right foods.  And for me, I cannot make these choices without serving the Lord.  If I step away from Him and get wrapped up in living here on earth, I start choosing the wrong foods and my “bread and water” is not blessed.  I do believe that what we eat, how much we weigh, will significantly make a difference in our health.  Certainly, there are illnesses that cannot be controlled by our food choices but so many times our choices make a difference in our health.  We are certainly giving God more power to take sickness away from us by making healthy choice that He can bless.

Prayer:  Bless my bread and water Father.  I come to You with the desire to serve You.  May the writing of these devotionals be a part of this service to You.  May each word You speak, each verse we integrate into our hearts allow us to make healthy, God food choices so that You can bless what we eat.  With these choices, please bless our mental health, our physical health.  Bless our joints, our vital organs, our muscles, our brains so that illnesses that we can be prone to are staved off.  Continue to give me the wisdom to choose nutritious foods that You have created. I am sick, I am addict to unhealthy eating habits.  Take this sickness away from me.  You know I love eating Your foods.  I am making this one of the ways that I serve You.  Continue to give me that strength and power to make these healthy and delicious choices.

Daily Challenge