Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Run devil run”

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Verse Reflections:  I love the idea of the devil running from us when we start our day with these verses.  When we submit ourselves to God, we CAN resist the devil.  For forty years I have tried to break my food addictions on my own.  I am a strong woman and I have always thought that tomorrow I would make it happen, tomorrow I would eat right, tomorrow I would start that diet or healthy eating plan.  I finally got to the point that I had to truly submit to God.  I had to infuse the word of God into my soul daily.  Every day I didn’t read God’s word I failed.  It is just that simple.  You are on the journey of submission.  When I finally realized that I had to have the power of God on my side to break my food addiction is the day I became successful in this plan.  I am a serious addict and that means I can’t go one day without a Bible verse that speaks to my addiction.  I can’t go one day without holding God’s hand and at the same time bowing at His throne to request that His power watch over me.  I am powerless against the devil’s wiles.  He has my number and yet God has the power to make him run.  God created me, gave me the key to overcome temptation.  He gave us verse after verse that allows us to resist the devil.  The next time I hear the cookies calling my name I will think in my head “run devil run” and then I will remember this verse and walk away.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for giving us this knowledge that if we only submit ourselves to You we will have the power to make the devil flee.  Lord, You have helped me realize that for me this submission to You is a daily journey.  I cannot skip one day of submission and resist the devil.  And in a crazy beyond this world, unexplainable way I have amazing power when I start my day or end my day with Your word.  There is truly power in Your word.  Thank You for reminding me daily that I can rise above my powerlessness.  Thank You for giving me power that I cannot access without You.  Most days I don’t even have to ask the temptations to flee when I start with the commitment to Your word.  This commitment continues into a healthy craving for God foods:  steak, pork chops, chicken, vegetables, salads, fruit.  I am happy eating all of these beautiful, flavorful foods.  Thank You for Your creations.  Thank You for making Satan “flee” from my life.  I cannot tell You how much lighter I feel spiritually, mentally not having to run down a list of foods that I am planning to eat.  I bow at Your throne in appreciation.  Now help me remain convinced every day to come to Your word to submit to Your glorious power.  I adore You and appreciate You.  Have a blessed day Father as You have blessed mine.

Daily Challenge