Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Holy plans

Before I shaped you in the womb I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you.” Jeremiah 1:5 MSG

Verse Reflections:  Before I saw the light of day, You had holy plans for me.  My breath is taken away with the magnificence of these words. God set up a plan for each of us before we drew our first breath.  Holy means “set apart”.  God created plans for us that set us apart from the world.  In order to accomplish these plans we have to treasure this body that he “shaped in the womb”.  Wiggle your fingers, use your eyes to look around, stand up or roll your wheelchair with your hands.  Our bodies are a work of art.  Each brush stroke is a part of the art.  When we put too much processed foods into our body we are creating fat that blocks our arteries, creating difficulty pumping blood to our extremities and heart issues.  Eating carbohydrates and sugars will spike our sugar and insulin levels causing low energy levels and cravings for additional food.  It can even cause dizziness, burning sensations and issues in our joints.  So… why do we continue to destroy this work of art?  Why do we make choices that do not set us apart from this world?  We know that we should eat God foods.  God shaped our bodies perfectly.  Instead we conform to the world and give into the madness of marketing that convinces us that all these rows and rows of processed foods are better than the foods God created.

Prayer:   You “set apart” plans for me.  You “set me apart” from the world with Your plans for me.  Lord, please allow me today to set myself apart from all the temptations of the world.  Sometimes they overwhelm me.  I crave a certain food and it swirls and swirls in my brain until I indulge.  Today I am going to cling desperately to the holy plans You have for me.  Before I saw the light of day and every day after, You wanted me, planned for me to set myself apart from this world.  Today, Lord, I am going to be holy.  You are the power I need to overcome and set myself on a different plane.  I am going to grasp onto Your plan for me and claim it.  I am going indulge in Your foods and gain Your strength.  I am so crazy Father to jeopardize the health of my beautiful body by eating and drinking foods that You did not create to the point of indulgence and gluttony.  I know I destroy Your plans for me some days and for that I apologize.  I love You and appreciate all You have done for me before I saw the light of day and every day since.

Daily Challenge