Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Like a morning mist”

I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like a morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you. Isaiah 44:22

Verse Reflections:  Imagine for a moment that your unhealthy eating habits are floating away on clouds.  Think of a beautiful morning mist over a lake and then the sun rising as the mist just disappears.  The power of Jesus can make years of unhealthy habits just float away and turn into an invisible vapor.  God has bought back our power.  He has redeemed us.  Think also about what clouds signify… storms, shadows or darkness because the clouds are blocking the light.  When the clouds blow away the light is allowed through.  That is the difference between living in darkness and living in the light.  God is light and He alone can sweep away our years of bad habits.  And they are habits, which makes them very hard to break.   Next time we are tempted to stop at that place that has the perfect food keep walking.  Know that He has swept away our bad habits.  Morning mist burns away and the sun comes shining through.  Keep walking, it WILL BE TOUGH for about an hour and then you will get through it with extra joy.

Prayer:  God, I love the image of my cravings moving in like a morning mist.  The mist greets us with beauty and power but then the more powerful sun slowly burns away the droplets that combine in the air to form the effect.  Lord, send the sun to my mind, to my body, to my habits.  I have some bad habits that only You can control.  I go to certain places and order certain things.  I have a bad day at work and want to come home and bake certain things.  I pick up “one” of certain items and keep picking up one until I reach 25.  Thank You for reminding me these are just tiny droplets of water blocking the sun.  Give me the power to ignore the habits for one hour.  If I do that then the power will dissipate.  One hour Lord.  I give You all my one hours until my day is done.  I love You.

T-shirt:  “Like a morning mist” my cravings will be swept away.  Isaiah 44:22

Daily Challenge