Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



The God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 1 Peter 5:10

Verse Reflections:  Okay team, we have all suffered a little while so let’s let God restore us and make us strong, firm and steadfast.   That would make a great t-shirt.  STRONG  FIRM STEADFAST!!  I am going to claim these three words and shout them out today.  I love the way this verse starts out.  He reminds us that we have access to the God of all power.  The God of all grace that gives us eternal life.  WOW!  The two best gifts we could ever receive.  Grace is the gift of forgiveness and unconditional love that rises above anything we have ever done or has been done to us.  Eternal life is a promise of life with Him long after these crazy human bodies are gone.  Two gifts that no one else on earth can give.  So, if we have access to these gifts, we know He can restore us and make us strong, firm and steadfast.  This is what I have been missing in my eating habits.  I have not been strong.  I have not been firm and I have certainly not been steadfast.  I have ridden the roller coaster of starvation and gluttony.  I am taking a deep breath of hope as I write this.  I have to go now and write this fabulous prayer of hope.

Prayer:  Father, I am so excited.  These are the three features of my eating life that I have been missing.  You, the God of grace, the God of eternity remind me here that You can deliver these features to me.  Thank You first of all for restoring me.  I am broken.  I need restoration.  Thank You for giving me strength, firmness of purpose, and a steadfast way of eating.  I have to eat the same every day.  I have to be firm about honoring You by continuing to eat God foods.  I have to be steadfast/unwavering in how I eat every day.  I cannot eat a large bag of candy, a pan of cookies, a bag of chips and be firm in my eating habits.  Father erase my past, restore me to the person You created me to be.  Give me the power to be strong.  I cannot be strong on my own.  I have proven that through decades of disaster.  You can make me firm in my resolutions and habits.  Restore me and let’s make today happen with a firmness, a steadfast, an unwavering goal of eating God foods and wanting to do so for the rest of my life.  I already feel better.  I do not have that soft fuzziness in my head that comes from eating too much sugar.  I do not have the cravings I once had.  Thank You for that.  You are restoring me.  I am ready now to be firm with Your help.  Love You.  Got to go start our strong, firm, resolute day.

Daily Challenge