Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Eat and be satisfied”

The meek will eat and be satisfied: they will praise the Lord that seek Him: your heart will live forever. Psalm 22:26

Verse Reflections:  Maybe this is my problem.  I am not very meek.  “Quiet, gentle, and humble in spirit”  I’m sure it is not an accident that the word quiet comes first in these descriptions.  When we are quiet, we can hear God’s voice.  When we hear God’s voice we are infused with His power, instead of our own which always fails.  We must be humble in spirit and realize that we cannot live this life without Him.  I have tried to power through losing weight by my own strength and it just does not happen.  I know there are plenty of people who can use their own strength to lose weight, to make consistent right choices.  I am not one of them  I am a strong woman who runs a multi-million dollar company but this works to my disadvantage.  I think I can do it all and I can’t.  I must change my spirit to one of meekness, confess my lack of power and totally depend on Him.  My husband has travelled all over the world to serve in medical missions.  One week he arrived in an African village which had been devastated by a disease.  Everyone in the village, including the chief who lost his daughter, had lost someone in their immediate family.  Every evening at sunrise they would gather and sing praises to God.  Mark asked the chief on the last day, “How do all of you praise God so enthusiastically every day when you have lost so much?”.  The chief looked him steadily in the eyes and said, “My son, the question is not how we who depend on God every day for every drop of water, every breath and every morsel of food praise Him, the question is how you in America, who live under the illusion of control of this universe and your lives praise Him.”  Think about this.  When we are not humble, when we think we can control our lives, our safety, our health, our jobs, our finances we resent God when it doesn’t work out.  If we all just live with the knowledge that this world, this life is not within our control, we would meekly depend on His wisdom, His power, His omnipotence.  Today, let’s live meekly and trust that the food He gave us are the foods we should eat and live by.

Prayer:  Father, this is not a prayer I enjoy praying.  I like my strength.  I like who I am most of the time.  But I need to give up.  I am not able to consistently make the right choices in eating right.  I have to come to You quietly so I can hear Your voice tell me what to eat.  My voice screams at me when I have cravings.  Quiet that voice, quiet the power in my own voice.  Please Lord, speak loudly even when I am quiet because I have decades of bad programming.  I am used to hearing the siren call of sweets, carbs, dips…  I am powerless.  I am weak.  I kneel at Your alter in humbleness.  YOU have to change me.  I cannot.  This is my temptation on this earth.  I know I have to be consistent in my habits.  I ask for continued meekness.  Every morning help me to confess to You this weakness, the need for Your power.  WE can do this.  I cannot.  I love You more than this life so allow me to honor You in my life every second of every day.


Daily Challenge