Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight




Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires, but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” Romans 8:5

Verse Reflections:  I think this verse so accurately reflects the vicious cycle we are in.  A basic hamster wheel.  We keep going back to the wheel and spinning day after day even when we are going nowhere.  Nature, another word for our bodies, desires Carbugers.  Our brain releases dopamine when we eat Carbugers.  This is a feel good, positive reaction to eating these foods.  The problem is that we are also training our brain to crave these foods and because of way the brain works.   We have trained or set our minds on these same enticing delicacies.  As this verse says, we have lived according to our sinful nature and this in turn has set our mind on what nature desires.  Likewise, if we eat God foods, we will also train our mind to crave what God wants us to eat.  I cannot stress jumping off this wheel enough.  For decades I have truly thought at times that I was crazy, I was insane.  In every other aspect of my life I am so disciplined but I could not bring discipline to what I craved.  I am telling you the truth when I say, if you eat God foods you will crave carburgers less and less and less.  You will begin to want the healthy beautiful meats and vegetables that God created for us.  But I will also tell you it is not easy.  You have to live in accordance with the Spirit NOT your body (what we interpret as our mind) and that is hard for the first 90 days especially.  I know there is controversy in science about food addiction but I KNOW I was addicted to carburgers.  I had no control over my cravings.  I thought about my next sugar fix constantly.  I had to overeat God foods at the beginning to get a handle on my cravings, to reset my mind.  I turned around and took a deep breath one day and realized that I was no longer craving.   Food took a back seat to other thoughts.  Freedom is sweet.  Live today in accordance with the Spirit and eventually your mind will be set on what the Spirit desires.  You are not crazy, you are not undisciplined.  You are in a vicious cycle.  Step off the hamster wheel today.  Eat God foods

Daily Challenge