Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Meditate for good success”

This Book of the Law will not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. Joshua 1:8 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  Ah, this is so true.  When I place God’s words in my heart, when I meditate on it day and night then and only then can I do according to all that is written in it.  I am so weak.  When I skip even a day, I revert back to old habits quickly.  I feel anxiety creeping in and it begins to crawl throughout my skin and blood.  I am positive that this produces cortisol and I begin craving whatever unhealthy foods my head invents that day.  A trip to the kitchen ensues and I cease my ability to eat healthy.  These verses have changed my life.  I know power is in the word and when I access that power I can eat healthy and make the choices I want to make.  God tells us in this verse that when we place God’s word in our heart we can choose wisely and have good success.  WOW!! What a promise.  For years we have been trying to find initiative, we have been trying to eat heathy and all we have to do is meditate on God’s word to have good success.  God’s promise here is that if we mediate on His word then we will do it.  This will make us successful (prosperous) and we will choose wisely.  My Father was a scientist and I love understanding “how” and “why” but honestly there is no explanation for the power of God in this world.  But for fellow skeptics I have experienced it.  I know the difference when I focus on God’s word and when I do not focus on His word.  We become “holy” or set apart just by reading His word.  How easy is that?  All the tears, all the recrimination and all we have to do is reflect on God’s word every day.


Prayer:  Father, Your holiness seeps into me when I meditate on Your word.  I don’t have to try to be different.  I just am.  Once again, the power of Your word is amazing.  Thank You for revealing all the verses that can change my life.  It is fascinating that You chose to reveal them to me.  Now I have to make sure that I use them every day.  Is it wrong to create a book or a website just for me?  Ha, sorry I need so much support God.  I just know if I skip a day I am weaker.  This verse is so true.  If I can’t recall a verse a day I choose to eat more than I should, I choose to eat food that I shouldn’t.  And yet if I read the very devotions I have written and the verses that You have written I have power from within.  I do believe that millions of people can use these verses so thank You for allowing me to create a website to help push these inspirational verses to others so that we can all meditate on Your words days and night.  “For then” we can be successful.  Your scripture has the power to change the world.  Allow me to be one of the first that these 365 verses changes.  Tears come to my eyes when I dwell on the mental differences I am already observing.  Thank You for restoring my confidence in me, my power through You and my love for myself right now before I experience the good success You promise.  I love You.  Thank You for Your words and the power therein.  Today we are going to choose to eat healthy.  We are going to strive for excellence not perfection.

Daily Challenge