Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Yet they kept on sinning against him, rebelling against the Most High in the desert. They stubbornly tested God in their hearts, demanding the foods they craved. They even spoke against God himself, saying, “God can’t give us food in the wilderness.” Psalm 78:17-19

Verse Reflections:  Here God was leading them out of slavery.  He was providing for their needs every day and night but their hearts remained focused on what they did not have.  They spoke against their creator, the one that was giving them freedom.  They concentrated on food rather than gifts of freedom, health and family.  I am so like these people.  I have everything I need.  Everything I want.  I have family, freedom, enough money to pay the bills and yet, even now, I wake up thinking about food and wanting more.  I complain because I can’t eat everything I want to eat.  I complain about gaining weight when I do eat what I want to eat.  What is wrong with us?  Shouldn’t we wake up in the morning and celebrate the positive things we have?  Shouldn’t we praise God for all the gifts He has given us?  Shouldn’t we treasure this body He has created for our spirits and feed it natural foods that he created?  It says they “stubbornly tested God in their hearts”.  How many times do I test God?  I wake up and say to heck with eating healthy… I want what I want.  Then I just fold my arms and dare God to criticize me.  And then I have the nerve to get mad because I gain weight’  I can’t criticize the Israelites because I am not even having to escape slavery and I complain about food, I demand the foods I crave.  Today, I am going to try to learn from this verse.  The message seems so clear when you are reading about others.  I have been given everything I need.  Today, I am going to not demand the foods I crave.  I am going to eat the amazing foods that God created to give me the health He wants me to have.  I will praise God in my heart today, instead of criticizing Him.

Prayer:  Father, You have already given me freedom.  Thank You.  You gave me birth in a home that was free from slavery, I have never had to fight this fight.  Thank You.  Give me the wisdom to celebrate Your gift.  Give me the courage to not demand the foods I crave.  Give me the strength to eat the foods You have grown and prepared for me.  Give me the beautiful knowledge that if I eat the foods You created, I will also be building and protecting my health.  Give me the ability to reach deep in my soul when temptations arise.  I am constantly testing You.  Forgive me.  Every day I invent a reason why I “deserve” to eat whatever I crave.   Forgive me.  Today I am going to take Your hand and rise above this vicious cycle I have created.  Thank You for the lesson in this verse.  I am free, I have so much to celebrate.   Thank You today for delivering me from my slavery to food.

Daily Challenge