Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20

Verse Reflections:  I get so much comfort from the thought that God is with me always, even to the end of the world.  If He can live inside of me always then I have power beyond my wildest imagination.  I cannot even imagine the end of the world and yet God sees all.  He is with us as we wake up in the morning.  He is with us when we go to sleep at night.  He is with us when the worst happens.  He is with us when the best happens.  He comforts us.  He celebrates with us.  We need to acknowledge His presence with our words, our actions, our thoughts, our choices.  He IS there.  My Mom used to say, “You might as well invite God to the parties you attend because He is there any way.”  It kept my actions and my thoughts in the right place when I invited Him as a teenager and young adult.  This is exactly what this verse is saying.  So let’s start imaging God in our kitchen, looking into the refrigerator or pantry with us, cooking with us.  Let’s imagine Him going to the restaurants with us, ordering off the menu with us.  Sitting in the car as we go through drive through.  “I am with you always!”  WOW!  My perspective today is changing already.  WWJE!  What would Jesus eat?  WWJO!  What would Jesus order? WWJC!  What would Jesus Cook?  We might as well ask ourselves these questions because He is eating with us, ordering with us and cooking with us.

Prayer:  Father, It is so fascinating to me how this verse that I have known all my life is infusing me with a different perspective about eating.  Thank You for talking to me in so many ways through Your word.  Thank You for reminding me even though I know that You are with me.   You are not up in the sky looking down.  You are WITH me.  You are right here, right now.  I am humbled and I am encouraged.  I am strengthened.  God I have the strength to make the right choices because You are with me even unto the end of the world.  You will never leave me or forsake me even when I have forsaken myself.  Your perspective is eternal so if I blow it for a day You will not leave me.  Your perspective is eternal so You will give me the power I need to make decisions that are good for tomorrow today.  I know that Today is the only day that will change my life.  Go with me today to the grocery store, to the restaurants, to refrigerator and kitchen.  I invite You with a new found reverence to my table to dine with me.

Daily Challenge