Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Spirit, Soul and Body

“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who calls you is faithful and he will do it.” I Thessalonians 5:23-24

Sanctify:  to make clean, render pure, set apart from a common use to a sacred use (Beth Moore)

Verse reflections:  This is exactly what I need, sanctification through and through.  I want to be cleaned of all the yuck that has inhabited my body, my eating habits, my temptations.  I want to be purified and set apart for God to use.  The only way I can start over is by God cleansing my heart, my soul and my mind.  I love the thought of being blameless.  God has the power to change us.  Today.  Not tomorrow.  Remember, today is the only day that will change your life.  Tomorrow will never change us.  God “himself” will sanctify us.  He is the God of peace.  He is not the author of temptation, chaos.  He is the author of peace, the GOD of peace.  We can be peaceful, sanctified and blameless.  Wow.  If we can’t start over with those promises we have serious is-shoes.  This verse goes on to say that God is calling to us.  Listen to Him today.  When you hear His voice, know that He is faithful and He “will do it.”  You do not have to stress.  Just relax.  As a member of the God team, we can change our lives, one day at a time, one meal at a time, one hard choice at a time.  God is going to give us peace today and He is going to change our spirit, soul and body.  To make this a lifetime commit we do have to give Him all three.  I gave Christ my spirit and my soul when I was 13 but I am afraid I have not committed my body as I need to.  Today I commit my body to Christ.  Let’s go eat God foods and feel the peace of God in the process.  “He will do it.”  WE will do it.


God of peace

Did you know:  A rodent study that is quoted by Harvard showed that aspartame has been found to damage a part of the brain that told the animals when to stop eating.


Daily Challenge