Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight




Choose this day whom you will serve.” Joshua 24:15

Verse Reflections:  Every day we have to recommit.  Every day we have to decide who we are going to serve.  For me that means asking if I am going to serve my stomach/mind or am if I going to serve God.  Every day I have a raging battle ground within my soul.  I desperately want to serve my God, my Lord and eat God foods.  But I desperately want to cook and eat decadent sweets and foods that I know are not right for my body, soul and mind.  The battle is not a quiet one.  My battle is a storm of sharp deadly arrows buzzing within my soul, piercing my self confidence and ability to stand the test of the enemy I fight.  I try to put on the protective armor of God and still I have to draw my chosen weapon to withstand the pounding and pummeling that goes on within.  This is not an easy battle that we fight.  Alcoholics Anonymous has “One day at a time” as one of their 10 mantras.  This is what Joshua is saying to all of us.  Every day we must choose who we want to serve.  It is not a joke.  It is not easy.  It is not a battle we fight once and we are done.  I do think that is part of our problem.  We want to be done with the war.  We want the 30 day fix, the 90 day fix.  Sorry, this battle will rage until we die.  Simple fact.  The question is, are you choosing God daily?  Are you going to face today with healthy habits that lead to a healthy body, mind and soul this time next year or are you going to always say “tomorrow”?  This verse is definitive that we have to choose THIS day who we will serve.  As Dr. Phil says, “Today is the only day that can change your life.”  Today choose God.  Choose to eat the healthy foods that He created.  They are delicious.  Add spices and create some fun as you cook.  Don’t go bland.  Our God is an awesome God.  His foods are the best foods.  Enjoy creations that will make Him proud.  Today, choose who and therefore what you are going to serve.

Prayer:  Father, today I choose You.  Today I choose to serve You.  Today I recommit to You my daily battle with food.  It is my enemy or better phrased, my enemy uses food.  I am weak and cannot fight on my own.  I have to choose You as my General, as my leader.  It actually helps for me to talk to You each morning and recommit to You.  I can eat God foods when I acknowledge the battle.   I can eat God foods when I connect with You first thing in the morning and choose to serve You.  By serving You, I will serve the right foods on my table.  By serving You I will choose the right foods in the grocery.  By serving You I will choose the right restaurants.  I love You and acknowledge You as my Lord.

Recommit every day.

Daily Challenge