Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Remain connected

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Verse Reflections:  This is where I fail.  I do not always start my day with Christ.  I do not always connect to Him.  On the days I start with Him, that I read His word it is like I get an infusion of will power.  I feel less temptation.  I am able to prepare or order meals that are healthier.  I not only bear much more fruit but I eat more fruit (and vegetables).  I need to start my day with that one Bible verse that God has told me to read each day.  If I start with that verse, with God’s magical words, then I am able to put my personal issues to the side and make God the center, the vine.  Otherwise, I tend to wake up and make me, my issues, my stresses, my celebrations, my life the focus.  I am a stronger person, a better person when I start with God.  When I make God the vine, the center, then I depend on Him for my nutrition.  What a beautiful analogy.  Branches have to depend on the vine for our nutrition.  He is clearly stating that we need to eat the nutrition that He provides for us, God foods, pure foods.  When He is the vine, and we are the branches we cannot get our food supply from any other source.  I love starting my day with this image.  It should not be a choice.  Today, we are not going to separate from the vine.  If you are reading this you are convinced that you want to lose weight, to be healthy.  This is the fruit that you want to produce.  So, connect to the vine, to Christ and eat the food He has produced.  Apart from Him, You will not be successful.

Prayer:  Father, You are the vine.  Please give me this vision, this image today.  Allow me to connect to You and depend on You to supply my every need.  I have proven that I cannot produce the fruit, the weight loss, the healthy living choices I need to without You.  I have to allow myself to be the branch.  God, my tendency is try to be the vine, the center of all and put my own roots in the ground.  I want to create and find my own foods which are not healthy.  You have to help me put You in the center so that I can attach myself to you and get my nutrition from You.  I know how to be successful.  This verse reiterates everything I know.  You have to provide my nutrition, I have to get my water from You, I have to get my nutrition from You.  Just as any plant gets its nutrition from the branches.  Thank You Father for providing my nutrition.  Thank You for providing just enough food for healthy living.  Thank You for being my vine.  Today, with Your help, I will be a branch and depend on You.

Daily Challenge