Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



The secret of contentment

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything though him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4: 12, 13

Verse Reflections:  If I had learned the secret principals of this verse, I wouldn’t need to search God’s word for verses that give me the strength to eat healthy.  This verse makes me throw my head back and laugh in light of my ridiculous fight for weight loss and health.  What is wrong with me to not have learned the secret of contentment?  I have never been in need of food that is for sure.  I have always had plenty of food, even when I had no money in the bank.  I have, however, been in need of hunger control, I have been in need of controlling my eating habits.  I have not learned to be content in my hunger.  My tendency is to feed my hunger.  I know I can do everything through God who can give me strength… I just have to do it.  I have to learn this secret of being content.  Today we are going to be content with the foods God created for us.  We are going to eat four fruits and four vegetables.  We are going put away the processed foods and eat God foods.  We can do this and everything else required to live a healthy life in Him who gives us strength.  The amazing part of this journey is that if I can just convince myself to eat God foods, then my hunger actually goes away and I am content.  It is the processed foods that produce extra insulin and block the leptin, or hunger control.  I just have to start and continue the healthy cycle with Him who gives me strength.  Only then will I be content in every situation.

Prayer:  Father, give me the strength.  Give me the strength in You to do this lifestyle of healthy eating.  You have the strength that I do not have.  I can do everything through You that gives me strength.  I am in need.  I have plenty and perhaps that is part of the problem.  I have plenty but I have not learned to be content.  Lord, You must take me by the hand and teach me the secret that Paul learned.  You must teach me how to be content in any situation.  You must teach me how to be content in my hunger, content when I have eaten enough.  This verse reminds me that I can do this THROUGH You who gives me strength.  Once again, I cannot be content in my hunger without You.  I cannot be content when life hands me difficulties without You.  I tend to feed that pain, or discontent with food.  I come to You on my knees.  I come to You in my desperation to admit that I am insufficient.  I know the secret and yet I have trouble every day whispering the secret to myself in my struggle to be in control.  In my human body, I keep wanting to take over my life every day.  What is wrong with me?  I am old enough to realize I need to re-dedicate my life to You every day.  That is how I will gain strength.  That is how I will yield my own struggle and gain contentment.  Today Lord I am going to be content in You and eat healthy.  I am going to whisper the secret of letting You lead me to health.  I am going to eat Your foods.

Daily Challenge