Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Eat God’s words

“When Your words came I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight for I bear Your name, O Lord God Almighty.” Jeremiah 15:16

Verse Reflections:  Yes!  We need to eat God’s words.  We need to chew each one of His secret messages slowly and savor the words.  He has sprinkled the living, breathing words of power throughout the Bible that will change our lives.  If we take His words and ingest them, digest them, so that they flow throughout our bloods stream they will feed our body.  They will become part of who we are.  They will change our frustrations to joy.  They will make our heart beat with delight.  His name, the power of His name, and His word will grow us to health.  When we are tempted to binge on food, we need to binge on His word instead.  We should read all of these verses He has given us that are life and habit changing and make them into the nutrition we crave.  How beautiful to wake up with joy because we have the power of God’s word inside our souls, inside of our body!  How delightful to know that our heart is beating today with a stronger health because we are eating God foods.  We bear God’s name.  He is our Father.  He is our role model.  He is our strength.  We are going to eat God’s words today rather than the chocolate, carbs or sugar that we normally crave.  Face today with joy.

Prayer:  Father, I want to eat Your words today and feed my soul on a power greater than myself.  I have proven this verse to myself.  When I start by eating Your words, I am stronger.  I am not tempted by the same foods, the same hunger that tempts me when I do not start the day with Your word.  Thank You for giving us so many verses that remind us that we can do this.  We can make healthy choices.  We can even face the day with joy and delight, not dread and recriminations.  We are healthier people today because we chose to eat Your words.  Thank You for feeding them to us.  I bear Your name God.  I am Your child and there is nothing You want more for my life than me to honor You by taking care of this body You gave me.  I want to give You the honor You deserve by treasuring this Holy temple.  You are my Father.  I stand in Your heavenly power and place my child like hand in Your large, powerful hand.  Take it and lead me Father.  I love You.

Daily Challenge