Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



No longer a slave to food

“For I know that my old self was crucified with You, Christ, so that this body of sin might be done away with, that I should no longer be a slave to sin- because anyone who has died has been freed from sin.” Romans 6:6-7

Verse Reflections:  Can you imagine the ability to change handed to you in a neat little package?  We have it!  God has separated sin from us.  We can hang up our sin on the cross and walk away.  In fact, Christ has hung our imperfections up on the cross.  Christ chose to die and with His death He gave us power over the sin on this earth.  We can say goodbye to our “old self”.  We can say goodbye to our sin.  For decades I have been a slave to my eating.  For decades I have been a slave to my perceived weight issues.  Christ is telling us now that we do not have to be a slave to food, we do not have to be a slave to eating wrong.  If we come to Christ and give Him our life, if we die to ourselves and depend on Him then we are free from the power here on earth.  I live in a body of sin and I love the fact that this verse says that this body of sin can be done away with.  While I have loved Christ, believed in His grace since I was a child, I sometimes forget that He gave me access to this power.  I just have to commit to it daily.  Hallelujah!  We can leave our struggle with overeating behind.  Hallelujah!  We can die to this sin.  We can live with Christ and His power.  We are free.  Claim it today.  Eat God foods and limit your portions.  God has overcome our sin.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for the greatest gift on earth.  We are not tied to the sins that empower us.  You have the power to crucify, to destroy our sins.  Lord I lay my struggle with overeating, with eating the wrong foods at Your feet. You are amazing, You are all powerful.  God, every day I feel like I am a slave.  I free myself for one meal and then I willingly place the handcuffs back on my wrists and binge.  Father, free me permanently.  I have to know You are my master, not the food.  I have to know that I am free.  I love You God.  I thank You for giving me a new day today.  I thank You for crucifying my sin.  I thank You for giving me a future where food has no power over me.  Thank You for dying on the cross to give us access to Your amazing power here on earth.  I love that each day I can come to You and change the power that food has over me.  I want to die to this sin and live for You.  Give me the power right now, today.  I choose You.  I choose Your foods.  Thank You.


Daily Challenge