Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



What is your master?

Father, the false teachers of this world promise freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity – for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.” 2 Peter 2:19

Verse Reflections:  So true.  How many diets have you tried?  There are so many false teachers out there offering us fast fixes that we expect to lose weight fast and easily.  I am here to tell you that this cannot and should not happen.  Neither should we “diet”.  A diet is a temporary fix to a permanent issue.  We have to take a deep breath, change our habits and expect this to be hard.  Let me say this again.  Eating right is hard!!  We have years of bad habits. And then we have the false teachers telling us that this magic pill will change our metabolism, or decrease our appetite.  We have the false teachers telling us that in 30 days we will lose at least ten pounds…  Sure, go ahead and keep following these ridiculous promises or change permanently.  More false teachers throw up beautiful fast foods, deserts, easy to cook meals, chips and snacks to flash on the television promising us immediate gratification and happiness.  I believe them.  I have convinced myself that happiness equals those delicious bites of these foods.  So many days food is my master.   Food controls me.  While I wake up and plan to eat right, crazy cravings begin swirling in my brain until I pull out the butter, the sugar and begin creating delicious deserts or I go through the drive through where someone else has cooked for me.  I have to give control to Christ, I have to let Him be my master, my leader.  He has given us the perfect foods for us to eat all of which are wonderfully made and savory to the last bite.  We are slaves when we do not make the decisions we know we should make.

Prayer:  Father please build a wall of protection around me and protect me from the promises of these false teachers.  Give me the wisdom You promise us.  Allow me to know that a fast diet will give me a temporary high, it is not a lifestyle change.  Allow me to know that food is not as rewarding, it is not as awesome as I have built it up to be.  I have looked for fast fixes.  I have tried options that work for a while but will not change my life.  God, You gave us a simple way to eat and we have complicated it with aisles and aisles of artificial foods in the grocery store aisles.  Thank You for the amazing foods You created.  Allow me to see through the false prophets and be content to eat as You created me to eat.  I know that Your foods contain the nutrients my body needs.  Give me Your power, Your desires, Your wisdom, YOUR freedom.  In Your name I reject the “freedom” the false prophets shout out.  I claim Your plan, Your answers.  Thank You for the power that You give.  In Your amazing name I pray.

Daily Challenge