Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Do what is right!”

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right”

Verse reflections:  These verses that are infusing us with power are inspired by God.  Inspired by our creator!  How beautiful to know that He is the author of this power.  It explains why these verses give us super-power that we cannot have without His word.  We are infused with His truth, convicting us of what is wrong with our choices every day.  And every day we are given the inspiration to do what is right.  His scripture teaches us daily.  It corrects our wrong choices and reminds us that eating foods that God created nourishes our body with vitamins and minerals that keep us strong and healthy.  There is nothing nourishing in chocolate chip cookies or biscuits or fried chips.  We know this in our hearts, we know what is true but the power in His scripture gives us power that is beyond our own.  These verses are teaching us that God wants the best for us.  This is not about denying our passions, our cravings.  This is about replacing lies with truth.  We have been convinced by good marketing that these processed foods are good.  The reality is that they are not good for us and our bodies do not crave them naturally.  We have started an unnatural cycle of craving that is making food manufacturers millionaires and us sick and unhealthy.  Imagine for a moment a juicy steak or chicken breast grilled on the barbeque with seasoned vegetables.  It is fabulous!  Imagine it, plan it and crave it.  This is the truth.  This is what is right for our body.  How easy to “do what is right.”

Prayer:  Father, I am powerless against what is wrong in my life.  My food choices are wrong and I am literally sick in my head.  You have to heal me.  Use this scripture that is inspired by You to teach me what is true.  Help me today to deny satan’s lies and reach for Your truth.  I know what is wrong.  I know the truth and still I reach out for His lies, for the cravings I have created with my bad habits.  Thank You for Your scriptures.  They are infusing me with strength but I have to read them daily to remind myself of your truths, what you teach.  I know what is right and honestly, I love what is right.  I have this crazy game in my crazy head that still tempts me to reach for the Carbugers instead of reaching for your amazing, delicious foods.  God, I am Your child.  You want the best for me.  Give me this truth deep in my soul.  Today I am going to plan beautiful meals inspired by Your word and Your truths.  I love You and so appreciate the power You give me in each individual scripture.  I don’t understand it but it amazes me every day.  I love You my Father.

Daily Challenge