Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Set free

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

Verse Reflections:  YES!! Christ has set us free.  We are free from the yoke of slavery to food.  Christ knows the power of slavery.  He knows that it can crush a soul to not have the freedom to choose, the freedom to live, the freedom to be healthy mentally and physically.  He is freeing us for the sake of freedom from this bondage.  Here is the ridiculous fact:  We created this cage!  We are staring out of this prison, through bars that we created and yet we cannot find the key to unlock our cage.  This verse is the key!  Christ has set us free.  We do not have to be slaves.  We are not slaves to food.  We are not slaves to our own ideocracy.  We get the privilege of standing firm today and every day.  All you have to do is eat God food today.  Tomorrow He will give you another verse and another verse and then another verse that unlocks this cage we keep putting ourselves back into.  Don’t worry about tomorrow.  Celebrate today.  Step out of this prison today and enjoy the sunlight.  Don’t look at a scale and condemn yourself for the past.  Get out and celebrate your freedom.  Today You are free.  There is no condemnation, there is no yoke of slavery around your neck.  Christ set you free.  Stand firm today!

Prayer:  Father, You have set me free.  I don’t need to doubt.  I need to stand firm in this fact.  Thank You!  I have been searching for freedom and You have already given it to me.  Every day You give me another verse that reassures me that You have set me free.  I condemn myself every time I slip.  You tell me not to let myself be burdened.  You have taken this yoke of slavery off of my neck.  Thank You Father.  You understand the powerlessness of slavery.  You understand the power sin can have over our lives.  Eating wrong has been my sin of choice.  I cannot set myself free from this.  I am a slave to eating sugar and processed carbohydrates.  Father, thank You for setting me free.  YOU are my key to this prison.  I am stepping out of my cage and claiming the sunlight as I eat the beautiful foods that You created.  I am shopping on the outside aisles of the grocery store today.  Thank You God that I am not a slave to my cravings and my mental games.  Thank You God that my body is becoming healthier.  That this ridiculous weight that puts pressure on my joints is disappearing with the freedom You have granted.  One day at a time and today I am free!

Daily Challenge