Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



A prosperous future

“You know the plans You have for me, O Lord. You have declared that they are plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 32:27

Verse Reflections:  Oh, this verse touches me deep in my soul.  It breathes life into me when I get discouraged.  God wants the best for us.  He doesn’t ever want harm to come to us.  Beth Moore said something on a podcast I listened to this morning (at 3 am).  “Every no is because there is a better yes waiting on us.”  God plans to prosper us and yet sometimes we destroy His plans with our choices.  We cannot gain 50 pounds and expect our knees not to hurt.  Every 10 pounds puts 40 pounds of pressure on our joints.  What are we thinking?  We are harming ourselves by not eating God foods.  God has a beautiful future for us.  God has a future full of hope for us.  God wants to prosper us.  Grab onto this promise with all of your might.  He put a garden of fresh vegetables and herbs out there for us, an orchard of delicious fruits and a plethora of beautiful meats that will nourish our bodies and taste delicious.  God has plans for us.  We need to honor those plans and choose health.  We have to allow Him to prosperous us.  Let’s be real.  We feel better when we eat right.  We look better when we eat right.  We hold ourselves straighter when our bodies look better so people react to us differently.  All of this works together to give us prosperity of health and resources.  Claim this promise.  We have a beautiful future.  It starts with eating right today.

Prayer:   God, You have beautiful plans for me.  I want to claim those plans.  I want to honor those plans.  Give me the strength and ability to eat right so that You may give me prosperity of health and resources.  Give me the power to eat Your foods instead of processed foods so that I may have hope of tomorrow and a future that is healthy.  I know that if I make the wrong choices I am interfering with Your plans to prosper me.  Father, I am a fool.  Protect me from myself.  Why do I think that eating something for thirty minutes is more important than a healthy future?  I am over myself but I need Your power to conquer the hold that my cravings mentally and physically have over me.  When I have an emotional day, sugar and carbohydrates lift my spirits.  You have declared plans to prosper me, not to harm me.  Help me not to harm myself.  Today I claim my hope and my future.  I love You Father.  We are going to have a great future together.  I love You.


Daily Challenge