Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



You are the Lord, the God of all mankind. Nothing is too hard for You! Jeremiah 32:27

Verse Reflections:  Nothing is too hard for God.  He can surround us with His power.  We cannot comprehend the power that the God of all mankind has.  This is a big deal to us.  We have tried over and over to lose weight, to eat healthy.  We have stayed in bed or on the couch when we knew we should get up and exercise.  This is not even a blip on God’s radar of hard.  We just have to start our day in His word, remind ourselves that we are protected by the seal of the Holy Spirit.  Yesterday, I was not even tempted to eat foods that I should not eat.  This is a miracle.  This is God’s power, not mine.  I do not understand it, I cannot comprehend how it works but there is power in these verses, in His words.  I keep trying to “white knuckle it”.  I keep trying to get up and use my own power to make good choices.  It just doesn’t work.  This is too hard for me. I can run a successful business with thirty employees, I can stay positive in life.  But somehow, some way, I just do not have the power to make the right choices of eating healthy on my own.  Remember, God tried to tell me for two years to do this and even after I started writing the verses and devotions I went for months without immersing myself in the word and during those months I just failed on my own power.  I can even try to eat God foods but if I don’t read the scripture, I fail.  Nothing is too hard for Christ.  Nothing is too hard for us when we claim the power in His word.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for the power You have given us through Your words.  I am constantly humbled when I realize that there is truly power in the scripture.  “No ear has heard, no eye has seen” how much power You give us.  Nothing is too hard for You God.  And amazingly, nothing is too hard for me when I seek this power, when I surround myself in Your words.  You build a fortress around me.  Satan knows that He can’t touch me when I read Your words in the morning God.  I know the difference, I feel the difference.  I don’t understand how one verse, one promise can be so powerful but it is.  So, Father, how powerful must You be if you can infuse me with resistance to temptation this easily.  All I have to do is listen to You, talk to You in the morning.  So here I am talking to You, claiming Your promise that nothing is too hard for You.  I am going to live by this promise today.  We are going to choose God foods today.  I am going to enjoy eating Your beautiful foods that You created.  Thank You for being my Lord, the God of all mankind.  Thank You for reminding me that nothing is too hard for You.  We can be successful together.

Daily Challenge