Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Divine Power

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5

Verse Reflections:  And this explains everything.  We think we are just trying not to overeat, or just trying to eat the right foods.  Satan knows that this is our Achilles heel, our weak spot.  This raging war is the one way he can separate us from God.  How can overeating separate us from God, how can it be a weapon of war?  Because the war is not about the food, the food in and of itself is not a big deal.  It is the recriminations we immediately launch, criticizing ourselves for being weak.  It is the negative words we stab ourselves with when we can’t fit into our clothes.  It is the looks of disdain we shoot ourselves with when we see a double chin or a layer of fat in the mirror or photographs.  It is the cringes when we sit beside someone with pencil thin thighs while ours spread out all over the chair.  It is the way we tie our self-perception to the numbers on the scale and the internal darkness that overtakes us when the numbers go up.  Satan knows that doughnut, those chips, the cookies are vicious weapons to bring on these strongholds.  This verse reminds us that we have divine power to demolish strongholds.  Let me repeat this.  We have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We don’t have to rely on our own power.  Christ has given us power that is beyond this earth.  This power can demolish arguments!  This power refuses to allow satan to take captive our thoughts.  We can be obedient to Christ.  We can eat God foods!  Watch satan quietly creep away when we live in the divine power of Christ.  There is power in the verses we are reading.  Today we are going to eat God foods, we are going to use God’s promises to wage war against this crazy battle we have engaged in for years.  Today we are going to win the war.  Compliment yourself, put your clothes on with pride.  You are beautiful and Christ loves you just the way you are.

Prayer:  Father thank you for the divine power You have given us to demolish strongholds.  Father I have allowed satan to use this crazy weapon against me for forty years.  What am I thinking?  You tried to tell me two years ago to create these devotions, to use Your words and I always find something else to do with my time.  And yet, every single day I read Your word for the purpose of winning this war I am successful.  I know I am crazy for not grasping onto this weapon every single day of my life but I am here now and we are winning.  I cannot thank You enough for loving me so much that You even put verses in the Bible to help me win this war against being physically and mentally healthy.  I know this is a war.  When I was younger it felt less vicious, just a blip that “I could control” if I just dieted for a few months but after years of riding this up and down roller coaster I know it is more than a minor issue.  It is war and satan knows it is my weakness.  I praise You Father for waking me up two years ago to tell me about eating God plus One.  One verse, one non-God food.  How simple is that?  I am so sorry that I am slow to obey Your voice, to pick up the weapons You have given me to win this war.  Thank You Father, my thoughts are Yours, my choices are Yours, they are obedient to You.  Your word has demolished satan’s arguments that “two won’t hurt you”, “you deserve it”, “you need to celebrate”, “you had a bad day”.  Oh no, Father, no more will his pretensions, his arguments work.  The weapons of the world have not worked.  Today I am using Your weapons to win this war.  I love You.

Daily Challenge