Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight




Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus … Hebrews 12:1-2

Verse Reflections:  How many times do we want to quit the race?  How many times (a day) do we want to throw off all restrictions and eat whatever we want to eat?  How many times do we climb up on the scale and then throw our hands up in frustration saying, “Why do I even try?”  How often do we set our alarm to exercise and then stay in bed or come home from work exhausted and just turn on the t.v.?  Not today!  Not tomorrow!  We are going to run with perseverance the race that is marked.  We are going to surround ourselves with witnesses that will hold us accountable.  We are going to throw out the food that hinders us so that we are not entangled by temptation.  We are going to persevere!  We are going to press on!  Even when the evidence around us tries to tell us we are not successful we are not going to listen.  We are going to keep eating God foods and run this race of being healthy.  We are not going to fix our eyes on the scales.  We are going to fix our eyes on Jesus.  We are going to run.  We are going to run with perseverance this race that is marked out for us.  The finish line is living with a healthy weight.  It is not being perfect.  It is not wearing a two piece bathing suit.  It is living the life Jesus wants us to live.  If we fix our eyes on Jesus… hmmm maybe we should put “Jesus” on our scales so that our focus is on Him not the scales.  He has given us the food we need to eat.  We just have to persevere and eat them every day.  This is the race that God has marked out for us.  We must refuse to be entangled by sin.  Tangles hold us back, break us and damage us.  We are going to step out of the tangles and put one foot in front of the other.  Walk out the door and enjoy the sunshine.  We can use this time to meet our neighbors, walk our dog, enjoy the sights.  Notice God does not tell us to run at top speed, He says to persevere.  Your speed, Your rate.  Focus on Jesus and we will win the prize.

Prayer:  God it is hard for me to consider throwing out everything that hinders me.  I am so practical that I want to save that cake mix for the next time someone asks me to bring a desert to a party or the chips for the next family picnic.  Give me the power to want to remove temptations.  I am ready to run the race but I am not sure I am ready to remove everything that hinders me.  Help me to focus my eyes on You and quit buying products that are not God foods.  Only my refrigerator and freezer should be full.  My pantry really should have nothing in it because those products are processed.  Help me Father to redefine my life choices.  Help me to buy spaghetti squash instead of noodles.  I love it, everyone I fix it for chooses that instead of the noodles in the bowl right beside it.  I know what to do God and still I fall into unhealthy choices.  I want to persevere.  I want to keep my eyes on You.  And still I buy flour.  And still I buy sugar.  I rationalize every choice I make.  Surround me with the vision of the prize.  Surround me with Your protection.  Give me Your power.  I am ready to put on my running shoes, I just don’t want to always stay in the lane You have directed me too.  Forgive me for my inability to avoid the sin that entangles me.  Sometimes I just step right into that tangle of cookies with a glass of milk.  And I just keep on stepping.  Convince me God.  I have my eyes on You today.  I will persevere with Your power.

Daily Challenge