Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Getting the prize

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. I Corinthians 9:24

Verse Reflections:  When I was in elementary school I could run fast.  I won five blue ribbons in one day and I was on the way to winning my sixth when Suzi, the coach’s kid said, “let me win this one, you have won all the others.”  I dropped back and she got a blue ribbon and I won a red.  No one noticed, no one said a word.  I was happy, she was happy.  All was good.  When I got home, my Mom whispered in my ear… “I know what you did on that last race, I’m proud of you.”  I ran in such as way as to get the prize but I also dropped back to let Suzi win the prize and the words from my Mom meant just as much as another blue ribbon.  We are called to win the prize for Christ, not for ourselves.  We can all get the prize in Christ’s kingdom but not if we don’t give it our all.  We have to all choose to run our hardest.  We cannot all be a size two.  That is not our race.  We cannot all be a size ten.  That is not our race.  You know Your race.  You know the prize God has called you to win.  Don’t let up, don’t run half way.  Listen to your coach.  Listen to God.  Run to the God foods.  Run to win the prize.  Today you are going to eat God foods and you will win the prize of being healthy.  Work it.  Get out and exercise.  Work it.  He is telling us that we have to work to win the prize.  It doesn’t come easy.  We have to ignore the other runners, don’t watch how fast they lose weight.  Don’t watch what they eat.  Just run your race.  You will get the prize.

Did you know:  Drinking one or two diet sodas a day isn’t likely to hurt you.  And there is no credible evidence that these ingredients cause cancer.  Mayoclinic.org

Prayer:   And once again you weave together verses from two completely different locations in the Bible so we can hear You loud and clear.  I guess You heard my prayer yesterday that I wasn’t quite ready to remove the sin that entangles me.  I hear You.  I can run the race but unless I remove the temptations I will not get the prize.  Thank You.  Thank You for not only hearing me but directing me to another verse that convinces me that I have to make serious choices in order to win the prize.  I say that I want to lose weight but…. I say that I want to be healthy but… You are obviously telling me that there can be no ifs, ands, or buts.  I get it.  Lord, I am ready to run in such a way as to get the prize.  I am ready to be healthy.  I am ready to eat healthy.  I am ready to lose weight so that I can take care of this beautiful earthen vessel You gave me.  I am ready to be the one to get the prize.  I know there are millions of people on this earth running this race of trying to lose weight.  You have shown us how.  Now we have to do it.  Only one gets the prize.  Father I am going to be that one.  Thank You for Your wisdom, Your healthy lifestyle.  Thank You for the power in Your word that reminds me daily that I can run this race.  Thank You for the power in Your word that reminds me that I can win this elusive prize.  We have this race together and I will be the one to win the prize with Your help.  I love You Lord.

Daily Challenge