Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Greater than the World

“You, dear children are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” I John 4:4

Verse Reflection:  Hallelujah!  God has overcome our sins, therefore we have overcome our sins.  There is nothing this world can throw at us that we cannot overcome because “the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”  Does that mean it will be easy?  Absolutely not.  But as Jesus showed us when he fasted in the desert for 40 days, you can overcome even when the devil puts fresh bread in front of you and promises you amazing things.  We are from God.  We have already overcome our sins.  Know this and celebrate this today.  Don’t question IF you can eat God food.  You CAN eat God food and enjoy it and be successful.  Christ himself has overcome all temptations.  HE is greater.  And you are His child.  Do you realize the power in this statement?  We’ve got this.  The amazing part of our story, is that he has already written a successful ending.  We just have to read the story, be the story and know the ending.  So often we sabotage our story.  We eat one “wrong” thing and say, “what the heck I might as well finish the pan”.  That is why I love God + 1.  We can have one serving of an unhealthy item and another one tomorrow and the next day and feel no guilt.  For me, it is even more important that if I just have one serving, I do not have the endless cravings and appetite.  I have said this before, but I can eat and I have literally thought I was going crazy because I never seemed to get full.  Once I realized “God has overcome” this issue by giving us healthy foods that curb our appetite and we can actually feel full, my life changed.  He is greater than the temptation of food.  He already has the solution and it is simple.  Claim it.  Know it.  He is greater.

Prayer:  Lord, You are greater than the temptation of eating unhealthy foods.  I praise You for this.  I lift my hands in wonder today for the miracle of You healing me.  I was broken.  I had no on and off switch for my eating habits.  Eating your food has changed my life.  Hallelujah.  I did not know if it was possible for me.  You are my Father, I am Your child and I have the power You have given me.  You are greater than any temptation in this world and You have changed my life with this message.  I praise You Lord.  When I eat Your foods, I am a different person.  I can eat three cookies and stop.  And then again, when I eat ten cookies I want 50.  That is where “the one who is in the world” captures me.  Father, I claim this power that You have given me.  You have the answer and I claim the power in this answer.  I will eat Your foods and I will love my spirit, my discipline, and my body with the changes You are helping me to implement.  My body is gorgeous because You created it.  Surround me with Your power and give me the ability to honor my body and You with only one serving of unhealthy foods.  I love You and I thank You for overcoming my sin.  I thank You for being greater.

Daily Challenge