Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Root of trouble

See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Hebrews 12:15

Verse Reflections:  Do not miss the grace of God!  Whatever has happened in your past, God has forgiven us, forgiven those who did you wrong and moved on.  Our sin, our past is as far as the East is from the West.  Grace is an undeserved gift.  We do not deserve it, those who did us wrong do not deserve it but God gives it freely.  Every day is a new opportunity to write a new chapter to our story.  If you claim the grace of God then you will not allow a “bitter root” to grow up inside of you.  Some of you are fighting your past every day.  Let it go.  Roots anchor you to the ground.  Roots make you immoveable, you cannot move forward.  Roots have to reach down for nutrition and stability.   God’s grace encourages You to reach up for Your nutrition and strength.  You are beautiful, you are undefiled, no sin, no scars.  And this is one reason I chose Christianity over every other world religion.  Almost every other religion requires you to keep working to eliminate sin or to be forgiven for past transgressions.  Jesus gives forgiveness while we still do not deserve it.  That alone makes me want to earn His trust and do “better” every day of my life.  My parents never gave me a curfew but they expected me to tell them exactly what I was doing every time and what time I would return.  Because I knew they trusted me, I never wanted to break that trust.  So often, we let bitterness grow up inside of us because of something in our past, then we sabotage our day, our eating habits, our lives.  We either think we “deserve” the splurge of food because something bad happened to us or we feel like we will never be “worthy” of a beautiful body so why try.  I have news for you.  God thinks you deserve a beautiful body.  He gave you a body that works like magic.  We should eat God foods to honor that beauty and magic.  Today, eat the foods he gave us and smile.  Dig that bitter root out and leave it out in God’s sunshine to die and wither away.  Life is too short not to be positive, to accept the grace of God.

Prayer:  God, thank You for Your grace.  Help me not to miss it.  Do not let a bitter root grow inside of me.  I love the visualization of roots that hold us down, that do not allow us to move forward.  Allow us to cut the roots off, to cut the roots completely out so that they will not cause trouble in our lives.  I am forever amazed at how much the gift of Your forgiveness, Your grace, Your ability to allow us to leave the past behind, frees us.  Your grace cuts the roots that anchor us off.  My day is lighter, my heart is lighter, my stress is lighter because I don’t have to revisit the past.  Lord, You have changed my life.  I can shrug off a bad day, I can choose not give into temptation just because I am allowing myself to wallow in the weight of this world.  It is a bitter root.  It does cause trouble.  Eating the wrong foods does defile me, it makes me angry at myself, it causes me not to be able to do what I want to do, it makes me revolt at my reflection or photos.  That is ridiculous so today I ask for You to make sure I do not miss Your grace.  I ask You to eliminate the trouble that has caused me to defile myself with unhealthy foods.  Lord, today we are going to eat Your foods.  Period.  I reach skyward for Your grace.  I reach skyward for Your power.  Thank You Father.  We are going to eat God plus 1.


Daily Challenge